Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far-right
I think there are obviously a lot of reasons this is happening, we all know it’s not so simple a thing to explain.
But I think it can mostly just be boiled down to general discontent—there is a feeling all over the world that is vague and seemingly in everyone. It’s disenfranchisement. It’s a system that doesn’t prioritize us or even consider us. We serve the system, and the exploitation for the benefit of the global system has become so acute that it’s hitting everyone.
But people just cannot conceive of big problems like this. It always has to be something specific, so their more personal fears and biases are being exploited by the most advanced conditioning and manipulation system ever created.
We are mico-conditioned. We are exploited in new and exciting and previously unthinkable ways. We are so minutely controlled that we aren’t even in control of our own feelings most of the time. We have our moods changed for companies to profit or to weaken us to whatever it is their product “fixes.”
We can dig down into so much minutiae about the different things, but that’s like dividing Infinity over and over and over as Infinitum. But we need to stop subdividing and sub-subdividing because that only serves to divide us—which is exactly the tactic used to exploit our vague anger. We need to instead zoom way out and see that this system is taking us down with the world it’s destroying. We all feel it, we all feel the system breaking down. But that uneasiness is given a face and a name in immigrants, or whatever is helpful.
FUD: increase fear, uncertainty, and doubt by spreading misinformation propaganda and undermining independent, fact based journalism.
It's the same tactic far right conservatives used against popular public progressive movements like the enlightenment, the hippies, corporate monopolies like IBM and Microsoft, etc to divide the working class against themselves.
It's a semi-random feed. Tiktok throws things at you and if something sticks, they're showing more of it. Pretty much all know about the stuff, many dismiss it, for some it's self-image fentanyl: Both incredibly addictive and destructive: At their age they're looking for information on what girls "really want", and what they get is "anything you do is a possible reason to dump you and you'll never be able to predict what I consider icky the next second" instead of something even remotely sensible. They're seeing their prospects to, at some time, enter a long-term relationship with someone they love shatter, instincts denied, instinct reconfigures and re-affirms themself (because it always does) and now you have someone vulnerable to Tateist propaganda, "grab her by the pussy and make her your bitch". Because that kind of "solution" is way more easy than working through the whole shebang. Without guidance it's pretty much impossible, they're too young. They can't tell their drive to relate and their reproductive drive apart and thus can't see that the Tate way actually denies them one drive to assert the other, while they could have both. Heck they can barely control their limbs.
What I'm saying is that it would be very helpful if that content didn't exist. I could call Tate a loudly barking Chihuahua who got his "world champion" title in an amateur organisation and leave it at that instead of having to go into depth fucking psychology. I hope we can agree on that.
This is true. Last time TikTok got popular in Germany was in 1930 and we all know how that ended.