Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far-right
Explain to me why insulting people who believe in Christianity is bad but insulting people who believe in astrology is ok. I'm interested to hear why you think Christians deserve more respect for their dogmatic beliefs than other people who believe silly things but mostly keep it to themselves and don't harm anyone else.
Also, fuck off, I am in fact going to think there is something wrong with men if nazism is an attractive 'product' for them to 'buy' and they have zero regard for any human rights but their own. I am going to think there's something wrong with anyone that buys into nazism but the very clear fact is that men are buying into it more.
I just want to also add, I am AMAB. I've lived the majority of my life as a man amongst other men. I've even had to fucking live with other men in boarding school. So I've also got my own lived experience of toxic masculinity.
The whole fact that nazism is such a good and guilt free product for a lot of men, is because of that fucking toxic masculinity. Because it appeals to people who have been raised to believe that aggression and power plays are more important than empathy and cooperation. Which brings me back to my first post which was removed. Clearly society is doing something wrong with how we're raising men.
I was thinking about this the other day, and came to some conclusions. This is a copy-paste of a comment I made in another thread:
I don’t know much about the history of anti-Semitism in Europe (so anyone feel free to correct me or add more info), but what I’ve been thinking is that the cause/origin of anti-Semitism is no different from the anti-immigrant panic from today. They both come down to people from a “foreign” or at least different culture coming into a society and getting jobs or opening business. It just so happens that now those foreign people are more diverse, whereas before (centuries ago in Europe) they were mostly Jewish.
This tells me we have learned nothing from our past except for the most surface level details. We learned that anti-Semitism is bad and beat people over the head with it, but we never properly addressed the roots of it, and so now the same thing is repeating but for different groups of people. It’s the same sort of thing as when it is said that “people nowadays are more open minded”, when the reality is simply that they were taught to be okay (or not) with certain things; but the bigoted though process has not really gone away.
The world loves those enforcing rules, because they have to be strong for that, and the world loves those breaking rules, because if today they are making a challenge, tomorrow they might become even stronger. Humans follow strength. So a new challenger of existing order is loved, a yesterday’s challenger who is still not a triumphant is hated.
In my experience, a good microcosm example of that is sports; specifically MMA. Just have to pay attention to how quickly the narrative and majority opinion changes based on who has most recently won their fights. You also often see subconscious racism (or at least I like to think it's subconscious) affect people's opinions of fighters.
I think the point is not "this is all TikTok's fault", the point is things like TikTok makes it a lot easier to spread misinformation. People have shorter attention spans nowadays, and they prefer to spend their time consuming short form content, such as the kind found on TikTok. The problem with this is that it takes a lot more effort to correct wrong information and educate people than it takes to spread misinformation. For example, it's much easier to take clip something a politician says out of context and to make a 5 or 10 second clip or people to watch, than to convince people to watch a 5 minute interview or read an article for context.
And even though I don't use TikTok, I still kind of insert my self in here; I don't have the mental fortitude or patience to read every single article I come across, so I often read diagonally, check the summary, or just stick with the title.
Fucking Hans... You think you're a superman?
I gotta say, watching them destroy the world is not making me a fan of young men.
What about doing my own content? Podcasts, screaming asshole youtubes and whatnot? I can't speak very well, much less write, but I can... do something
Not all over though. China isn't electing Sieg Heil, and neither is the Sahel
The US was until one month ago funding a genocide in an apartheid state, and just elected a guy doing Sieg Heil.
Hungary and Russia have handed the reigns over to their dictator. Trump is working on it.
The Jew hate originally stemmed from the fact that they could loan money and charge interest, which Christians found to be a sin (usury). Well, somebody has to handle banking or the economy crashes. Made them perfect scapegoats.
"I must be suffering because the Jews stole my money!"
Then it gets worse. Jews had strict rules about cleanliness, you can find many of them in the Bible. Guess who did and didn't get hit with plague rats. Guess who got the blame.
Because they are stupid and easily influenced by propaganda.
Stupid ? All youngsters all around the world are stupid then.
Yeah, you got it!
A desperate belief that they are impoverished because they need to compete with an ethnic out group and a belief that the out group is taking their shit, murdering them, and stealing/raping their women.
Even though its largely due to capitalism and technologically induced paranoia & loneliness.
They kind of are though. There's a reason the word Sophomore exists and is used to describe students multiple times in their education career.
(Historically it means wise fool or; conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature)
Probably not. But individuals on TikTok are definitely denying themselves an opportunity to get smarter.
To be honest, a large percentage of people are intellectually very lazy (they use emotion to decide) and prone to being manipulated.
A large percentage of people hunger for a sense of belonging and community (which extreme nationalism and a tribal attitude can offer).
In the wasteland of corporate algorithmically steered social media (prime examples: TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)... people who don't have an analytical mindset will get themselves shut in a bubble, and subsequently tricked and conned in various ways.
Brick and mortar social problems like a reduced chance of earning a good living by selling one's labour - those pile on top of that.
Because capitalism, as a system, is a machine that in the "best" of cases enables fascism, and in the worst it just outrights converts into fascism.
For decades, although nowadays is even more pronounced, young people have been deprived of a decent future in all senses; educational, social, economic, environmentally... At the same time that they were being bombarded, figuratively and literally, with fake news, guilt riddled articles, and a myriad of macho values that they are still supposed to uphold.
These young men worldwide are a byproduct of capitalism and patriarchy, and unless we collectively can do something, they will also become the first disposable pawns in the wars to come.
P.S: Sorry for the dark post, sometimes is difficult to see the brighter side of things.
P.S2: Yes, I also whistled Monty Python's The Life of Brian in my head after typing the first P.S.
The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer. Somehow, the rich have convinced some of the poor, that the reason they're getting poorer is because of the other poors (who are also getting poorer).