"China is the future, do you agree?"
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
the CCP was no less far right than the KMT during that era, exemplified by the many genocides they committed and continue to commit against ethnic minorities
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Can you elaborate on how BRI is Imperialism? Further, learning mandarin as a second language in schooling isn't the same as forcing everyone to speak it, Spanish is required learning in many US schools and it isn't a form of Mexican imperialism. I'd also like to see a source on the child labor in the cobalt mines.
The racial discrimination is terrible, no doubt, and it needs to be worked on and fixed. However, this doesn't seem to be something the PRC is pushing so much as individual racists. I am hopeful that that situation will improve especially.
There are many arguments against China being Imperialist, from Vijay Prashad. Here's an excerpt from a sepatate article, a quick 9 minute read:
In a 2005 presentation to the Congressional U.S.-China Commission, U.S. State Department official Princeton Lyman assessed how China’s model of socialist state loans don’t serve the function of profit:
China utilizes a variety of instruments to advance its interest in ways that western nations can only envy. Most of China’s investments are through state-owned companies, whose individual investments do not have to be profitable if they serve overall Chinese objectives. Thus the representative of China’s state-owned construction company in Ethiopia could reveal that he was instructed by Beijing to bid low on various tenders, without regard for profit. China’s long term objective in Ethiopia is in access to future natural resource investments, not in construction business profits.
Despite recent claims that China has been using its companies to engage in neo-colonialism throughout Africa, the situation Lyman assessed has continued to be the case throughout the last fifteen years. As I’ve mentioned in past writings, China’s investments do not meet the definition of neo-colonialism; Chinese enterprises help the job markets abroad rather than only employing Chinese workers, China hasn’t been engaging in “land grabs” in Africa, and China isn’t working to trap African nations in debt. In accordance with China’s not engaging in regime change, China has also never favored any government for its form or ideology.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Can you elaborate?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Not a nationalist, I find this a terrifying thought, but 100%. Unless action is actually taken in the U.S., I don't think the West stands a chance. China is already in a much stronger position than I think many Westerners realize, they made tremendous gains during the last Trump presidency. If Trump really does cling to power for the rest of his life, I think we'll see a world where SA, SEA, Africa and parts of Europe are all completely economically reliant on China.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
*sneezes* *snorts* *coughs* *clears throat* *yodelays*
I'm sorry, what was your question
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oh, look, a paid shill. What, you think because you work for China instead of Russia that we won't see what you're doing? Get the fuck outta here.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
As soon as you are on top, your behaviour might change.
It might, it might not. America's behavior didn't change; from the start they've been aggressive and expansionist, the scope just grew as they became more powerful.
China's been growing rapidly for decades while very seldomly acting militarily outside their borders. They don't seem to have expansionist goals outside those declared over 70 years ago (ie Taiwan) and have even negotiated down on border conflicts. It's not impossible but it'd be strange for China to make a complete about-turn on their stated policy of non-intervention.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What part of my comment indicates that I'm a "paid shill?" Recognizing history?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
classic blueanon
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I'm really glad to hear that in classic ML fashion, you know better than Ugandans themselves what does or doesn't constitute colonialism. I recommend actually watching the TikTok video from the Ugandan activist I linked you that already explains how Mandarin is erasing indigenous languages in favor of facilitating Chinese exploitation of local resources.
Believe it or not, Spanish is also a colonial language. It's pretty well known in any history book that it was used to enact cultural genocide on indigenous people all across Turtle Island. Indigenous people in Latin America have the "choice" of assimilating into Spanish culture or face poverty, starvation and genocide by white Latinos.
lmao imagine unironically linking the qiao collective, the mouthpiece of the CCP, as a credible source. I was wondering how long until the .ml brainwashing chip activates 🤭
here's an even quicker read:
The University of California, Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective posts “positive, often revisionist perspectives about Chinese politics.” That report stated that Qiao Collective claims that the “West’s perceptions of China as a human rights violator are actually the opposite; China is benevolent in helping marginalized people.” 1
The UC Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective is particularly sympathetic with regard to how China treats the Uyghur people. 1 On Aug. 31, 2022, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report stating that the “Chinese government’s rights violations against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang ‘may constitute … crimes against humanity.’” 5
The left-of-center Human Rights Watch stated that since 2017, the Chinese government has carried out “a widespread and systematic” attack against the Uyghur people that included mass detention, torture, religious persecution, separation of families, forced labor and sexual violence. 5
The UC Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective “assert[s]” that re-education camps do not exist and the camps were built to “deradicalize” extremists so they can get proper training to live on their own. UC Irvine’s report stated that Qiao claimed the camps teach Uyghurs to “better function in the economy,” learn technical skills, and they are allowed to go home a couple times per week to see their families.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Uh-huh. I have friends in Hong Kong, so fuck off with your tankie bullshit. That mouth of yours is only good for two things: licking boots and fellating murderous autocrats. Quit using it to waste everyone's time.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I watched it in full.
As for Spanish, I'm aware of its origins. I still don't see how making it a mandatory second language in many US schools would imply Mexican or Spanish colonization of the US.
As for linking QiaoCollective, yes, I did. Is there a problem with reading sources that go against your narrative? Funny you link HRW, which is a US-based group founded explicitly to push anti-communism:
HRW does good work sometimes, like calling out Israel for their genocide on Palestinians, but they were formed explicitly to target countries that dared stand against US hegemony. Read the UN report.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
if you think criticizing the USSR is "anti-communist" that's your own cultist complex to deal with. critiquing Russian imperialism has always and will be based, regardless if it's hiding under the hammer and sickle or the Wagner logo
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
There's meaningful critique of the USSR, yes. Being founded in the United States to serve as a watchdog over the Soviets at the height of the Cold War while the United States was licking its wounds after commiting untold masses of war crimes in Vietnam is the peak of hypocricy and purely exists to slander Communism. Moreover, the USSR was not Imperialist, it stood against Imperialism by supporting Cuba, China, Vietnam, Algeria, Palestine, Korea, and more liberate themselves from Imperialism and Colonialism.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
do y'all ever get tired of the genocide denialism circlejerk? don't you feel pathetic to do the job of Russia and China for free? at least get new material besides "X is anti-US, therefore X anti-imperialist and therefore communist ". it's called being a tankie
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The UN report says that while the camps may constitute crimes against humanity, they aren't genocidal. The claims of genocide come from Adrian Zens, a far-right Christian Nationalist that, get this, believes he was given a mission from God to discredit China. US-based media spreads these as "claims" because there's no punishment for spreading these claims, and if no evidence comes out of these crimes of excess then they can rely on having only reported "claims." What Qiao Collective states is in line with the UN report and what the visitors China has invited from the Middle East to investigate back up.
As for the logical pretzel you created at the end, that's just condescending. Many non-Communist groups are anti-US, like the Russian Federation, which is fully Capitalist. There are plenty of reasons to oppose the US without being Communist. However, there are AES states that go against the US as well.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Sure buddy:
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
In one sense, as a key component of the UK, they already had that chance somewhere between the years of 1600-ish to 1945-ish.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What do you think happened to that guy, by the way?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What do you think happened to all the other 300 murdered protesters that day? Get the fuck out of here with your false naivety.