I bought a phone with a heat camera and now I know exactly how hot my pizza is
I've seen these added onto phones, but you bought a phone WITH it already on board? That's sick. I've not seen anything like that in years... They just keep pumping out bullshit over and over again, year after year.
Look up "loss webcomic"
Coolest thing to look at is running tap water, switch from hot to cold
That hampter is runnin oh boi
That's some hot ass pussy!
Wet feels cold, it's a law of nature
Ooh that's pretty rad!
Can you measure the sock drawer?
A picture is worth a thousand words.
It's sort of a disclaimer.
Oh, right, have some JPEG then:
"3.8 goodboyes, but that's as high as the meter go..."
"3.8, not great, not terrible."
"It's not 3 goodboyes, it's fifteen thousand."
None of these cameras measure things in Kelvin, the only temperature scale that matters. Disappointing.
They do actually, it's just that they convert it to Celsius right before displaying the value on the screen
It doesn't count if you can't see it!
Kelvin is the only legitimate way to measure temperature. Everything else is trivia. Duh.
You are actually upvoted, it's just shown in Celsiusvotes.
I should have realized!