Study of TikTok, X 'For You' feeds in Germany finds far-right political bias ahead of federal elections | TechCrunch
What if people really want to see that stuff, though?
We're doing more harm than good when we try to control what people think instead of including them in the discussion.
TikTok is also run by the CCP who absolutely do want western nations to be ruled by people like Trump. The more turmoil the better, in their eyes.
Anybody voting for anti-tax racist fascists is voting against their own interests, including anti-tax racist fascists themselves.
Kids want to run across the road without looking and stick a knife in a power socket.
They didn't have to make any deals, they just ignored the law and the FCC got gutted by the fascists that China supported during the election.
Sadly, demonstrably, a lot of people are unaware of anything involving government.
But Tankies and China are the socialist left. /SARCASM
No, not off the top of my head. But English is roughly half French/Latin and half German, with some Norse and other influences thrown in. Wer or were sound Germanic, so then a little Wikipedia help filled in the details.
It's fine if you think that, but you're opening yourself up to controlling aspects of people's lives you have no business controlling. You're essentially taking on the role of their parent.
People would say similar things to "justify" the war on drugs. "Drug users are hurting themselves, so we're doing a good thing by keeping them illegal!"
Research and Historic Examples both shows positive outcomes from voting against anti-tax racist fascists. The same is not true for the War on Drugs. What you're attempting to describe is dogma and closed-mindedness which are present in every single political ideology. What you fail to understand is that identifying those individuals and trying to inform them is not dogmatic, it's helping them make informed choices.
Also, the proof that far right is overrepresented on social media compared to their share of the population shows that the services are biased, not that this is "what people think."
Right. And people can always point to "research" that says drugs are bad or "research" that says certain races are smarter than others.
The problem is you're trying to be some grand arbiter of truth, or deciding who those arbiters are, when historically every argument you've made so far has also been used to perpetuate lies.
I recommend a different approach that we've actually been doing for decades. Teach people about citing. Don't let them rely on other people deciding the truth for them, that's how we end up with anti-vaxxers in the first place.
There is no perfect solution, and conditioning people that lies will always be hidden from them will cause them to believe whatever they see without thinking critically.
I think it's time we start to acknowledge social media as a threat. They are using our freedom and liberties against us. I really dont know what the answer is here. Shuting down all social media? Doxxing every user so we know we are not dealing with bots? Restricting who gets to publish news? Every move here will take us closer to another dystopia.
I kind of prefer at least to have a saying on what kind of dystopia I want to live in, before the Chinese, Putin or israel choose it for us.
This is just sad. I miss the days in which we thought that internet was a weapon of the masses and not another tool to control us.
Drugs are bad, that was never in question
Your assertion, since you've forgotten, is that the War on Drugs was bad, which research would agree with
I'm sorry you're struggling with this. I hope you get well soon.
Oh, we played wolf with my german grandmother in Argentina. I never knew it was a german folk game. Thank you for sharing this.
Chronological is an algorithm too bruh. There's nothing inherently wrong with algorithms, they're just a tool. Modern social media tends to use them for engagement and advertiser$$, which is harmful.
Drugs are bad, that was never in question
Whew, glad you don't get to decide what people put in their bodies.
Your assertion, since you’ve forgotten, is that the War on Drugs was bad, which research would agree with
Yes... and those who support the war on drugs can point to research saying drugs are bad. It's sad this has to be spelled out for you.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with this. I hope you get well soon.
Ironic, considering you've shown us you can't comprehend what you're reading.
I live in the US, we've always called it "mafia". It probably has a million names. Among Us is based on the same game
And if somebody points to research saying drugs are bad as justification for war on drugs, you can point to research that war on drugs is bad. Then they would get confused and start quoting every line of your comment one at a time as if to make it talk slower for them.
Stay in school.
Then I got one for you!
Sculptors in antique Rome could fix mistakes they made by mixing marble dust with wax.
If a sculptor was especially gifted and made no mistakes that needed fixing, they would market their art as "sin cera", which means "without wax", which is where the word "sincere" comes from