Which animal would you domesticate if you could pick one?
So far its only been a well and I'm starting to realize that I haven't chosen a good spot to place food and should find a spot or feeder where I can have water and the food in a nice open part of the yard.
I was playing with dogfood and saw 1 juvenile crow only because I had set up a camera from a old phone, today I got some unshelled unsalted peanuts.
I think to get the ball rolling better I need to go walk around and find some crows and lead them towards the house.
I grabbed a old broke plant pot made of ceramic and broke the ceramic into small pieces so I can offer some shiny objects to the crows so maybe they either see the food better or take this as a gift and start connecting with my spot more.
I don't think I am on their normal route and we have a lot of other miscellaneous birds and dogs and cats and some small predator wild animals around and in a suburb so i don't think it will be very easy to get them to come regularly, I was surprised to even get the one bird once. -
You should listen to and smell a fox before embarking on that kind of project.
I mean, obviously a lion.
Russians inadvertantly did that, when trying to rear blue foxes for fur. Selecting for tameness altered the coat.
Get a chicken. They still know they're dinossaurs.
I've read somewhere some have been successfully (more or less) tamed.
So, essentially, you chose violence, be it through He-Man (Battle Cat) or the Teenage Mutant Turtles (Rocksteady).
Wasps; I'm going to be a supervillain now.
Sparrows are already semi domesticated due to living near human settlements basically since we started farming.
I just want to be ready, in case everyone else chooses violence.
If, all of a sudden, there were a handful of people that had a magical connection with an otherwise dangerous animal; I imagine, either those people would fight each other or team up against someone with a robot army. Either way, a tiger would have a lot of weak points, even with armor.
Fair point.
For a truly scary animal to have on your side, what do you think of wasps? Airborn, vicious and capable of team work.
Well, they're not domesticated enough to let me pet them unless I catch a chick which fell off a nest.