Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?!
anybody have a guide for an old laptop
Recently I tried it again because of Plex restriction on more than one user.
What do you mean by this? I don’t recall seeing anything about a change like this.
It really depends on your metadata/ directory structure. Even though navidrome doesn't care of your directory structure it's better to have everything neatly separated !
You can spin a docker compose (if you're a bit acquainted with it) and simply point to your external drive containing your media, just to give it a try and see how it performs with your media list.
Just give it a try and see how it works, however I would wait for the new scanner update before upgrading to navidrome which would give some new long awaited functionalities like VA list of all artist.
But I had so many services running it was a pain to maintain.
Are you talking about docker containers? You should take a look at what's up docker to maintain and keep track of your containers. I have approximately 20 containers and It was easier to keep track this way. If you're more in the 50/100 range... Yeah this sounds a lot !
Yeah I think your problem was trying to use ~ in a path. That's a bash thing, not a linux thing - slightly pedantic distinction for many but worth knowing about in case future applications give you a similar problem.
Hmm… I remember buying the license for ST2 back in the days and it specifically saying it’s for ST2.x only. However, it also worked for early ST3 versions but stopped working at some point. Which was when I’ve switched to something else.
The only thing about jellyfin is the damn subtitles. Subtitle sync is horrible. They added a subtitle offset feature last year which was a good workaround and then removed it a few months ago on androidtv and android. Now the subtitle offset on the web player doesn't do anything anymore either
Even Subgen generated subtitles, which are pretty perfectly in sync in reality, are sometimes played back at an incorrect speed so it will progressively get more and more out of sync, but there is no way to tell what speed the subtitles are being played at.
Also it just ignores themes a lot of times or only displays themes on the admin console and nowhere else.
That said, jellyfin is still amazing!
It was over eleven years ago at this point so my memory may be hazy on the details but I remember something happening in the major version change that pissed me off enough to switch off of it.
Out of curiosity, which Plex client are you using?
Unless therer was some major update in the last 6 months I've missed, I'd say no ... not even close.
I use the one for WebOS on my LG TV.
The web client and Android client are lighting fast compared to the TV. Like normal apps loading normal content.
The TV app on the other hand takes like 20 seconds just to get past the splash screen, and then another maybe 10 seconds to show first content. And navigation is laggy af. Just absolutely brutal.
Someone once said this is intentional to get you to buy new TVs. I don't know. Not all apps do this. Jellyfin e.g.
Oh no, a random on the internet who can't read the list of issues to understand they are all service and not deployment related, with no qualification whatsoever and who reads like an angry teen thinks I don't know about a technology I've been using since before he knew how to talk. I'm devastated.
I do my own ripping direct from disc and I've still seen it happen. So far it's exclusive to the TV apps so I think it's something to do with the lack of hardware support for certain things.
Wait - what restrictions on Plex?
No, I tried everyway with complete paths, I used that as one example. The software is a POS.
I'm an experienced user, I know what I'm doing. I've been using GNU/Linux since '96.
subtitles offset works here even on latest version, both android tv, android and browser
if you don't have the option on android, check that the player used is the right one, you will find that in settings
Jellyfin is great but, to be fair, anything is better than Plex.
Thanks! I appreciate it. I actually do still use it, my comment was just more toward the changes they've made and my perceived inability to remove or change it.
The Roku client for jellyfin is also a futureless husk of a client.
How so? What do you see as missing?
Start it up before you go to bed. If it isn't indexed when you wake up, it's just not going to work for you.
Jellyfin is pretty good about preserving the index; you only really pay a cost during that first start up, or if you shuffle content around on the storage. Otherwise, it only indexes new stuff, which should be mostly not noticeable.