Zelenskyy calls for creation of ‘Armed Forces of Europe’.
Poland needs to give Germany a couple of kicks in the arse, "go, rearm, no we don't mind you having a strong military we mind you not having one let's go kick Russian asses". France has been anti-atlanticist for basically ever, they're the ones constantly pushing for European strategic autonomy. I believe in Poland. They're Slavs, they can get a rusty motor running.
If you are then going to protect them, there was no point to the ejection.
The point would be they can't vote on things during that period, and you have the option not to defend them. As it is, with no ejection mechanisms, we're seriously talking about NATO invading itself now.
IMO it needs to be a permanent union to be strong. Like the United States after the Civil War.
It's funny choice of example in light of the US being the problem here. That being said, it was after that point a country and not a supranational organisation. They had a federal government with direct elections, and when states got out of line they could and did federalise the local national guard.
We need three things to build real military power in Europe.
- France must put its nuclear capabilities at the service of the whole.
- France must put its permanent seat at the UN at the service of the whole
- The whole must create a power that is sufficiently centralised and at the same time representative of the European people and their interests.
If you see this as viable, this option is viable. I choose to believe that all of this is an opportunity to make it happen.
Id say that the UK also needs to remove their heads from their asses and realise that they are part of Europe and act accordingly. Their ego over their past empire is poisoning them slowly. They are too powerful for Europe to not have but too weak to truly stand on their own.
You can already go there and join their foreign legion, actually it's been 3 years for you to have your boots on the ground. The fact that you are here and not there means you and those upvoting you want someone else to die for your militaristic fantasies while you chill in the comments.
What an incredible stupid take.
United Kingdom does not want to be part of the EU, and obviously we will not force them, if one day they change their minds they will be welcome but in the meantime the others cannot continue waiting and we must move now, now, without delay
China seems to be reasonable, which is what you want with a partner. Obviously they are not an ally to anyone in the west, but they act in a predictable way. Seems refreshing these days.
We should also have boots on the ground
So that 'We' means 'other people'?
Do you think boots on the ground means people travelling all alone up to the warzone by themselves?
You're just trolling.
No, but it is very easy to volunteer other people's boots.
Brexit was the product of russian disinformation and social engineering. The margin was laughably small and Scotland was 60% in favour of remaining (anti immigration propaganda didn't address the massive numbers of English people already in Scotland). Most people in England would vote to rejoin at this point though.
I'm sure I'd be a major asset to the foreign legion with my flat feet, sleep apnea and ADHD
Ok, I am delighted to hear that, vote the rejoin, in EU we will be happy to negotiate adhesion, but it does not seem something that can be resolved in weeks and the military union should occur in that type of deadline
Control of NATO's military is under direct control of the most unstable member.
As an Englishman, I'm still cursing the puppets who voted leave. It was mostly based on lies and half truths. A lot of us want back in to Europe. We just need to figure out how to clean house and make sure people understand what we are (re)gaining.
In the world that's coming, we need to stand as a united front.
- goes against anti proliferation treaties, and 2., while desirable, is not directly related to the matter at hand.
Some people would rather bow to fucking USA administration than spend tax dollars (or euros) on military. Are you German by any chance?
You got a link to this fanfic?
Except above comment is plain wrong
Brexit was caused by British exceptionalism. The people who wanted to leave wanted to leave because they thought UK is so great that it could bend the EU. People who didn't want to leave did so because they believed UK already had a good deal with the EU (and they did) because the UK is so great. Polling data backs that up because if you start asking about making "concessions" to rejoin the EU that "Yes" to rejoin turns into "I'd rather not".
REFV2. If tomorrow there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would vote?
- Stay out of the EU - 39%
- Rejoin the EU - 61%
EURO. Would the requirement to adopt the Euro as currency change your decision to rejoin the EU if you would vote to rejoin?
- I would still want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 35%
- I would not want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 9%
- I would only want to rejoin the EU if we were able to keep Sterling as our currency - 14%
- Would vote to stay out - 39%