Tesla sales plunge 59% in Germany to lowest level in years
As soon as my lease is up I'm out of this fucking swasticar.
Fuck Elon, fuck the Tesla board for enabling him, I hope they all get cancer.
To put this into perspective, there were 207640 new cars registered in January, of which 1277 were Teslas. That's a measly 0.62 percent of total new car registrations.
Well I'd say cancer's a bit much, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Plus, they have money, and cancer can be mitigated with all the money.
Now, a persistently massive bed bug infestation, severe erectile dysfunction, head lice, singed up for a Jehovah's Witness mailing list, voodoo curses, there are much better ways to have them suffer.
helicopter hats in 2025
Hopefully it takes his ass to Mars
Even if they're on Musk's side, Germans can recognize a shit build car when they see one.
Great. Now plunge further.
Money didn't help Steve Jobs.
True, but it could be 0%. Or better yet, -100% (count torched cars on there)
To be fair he was also a dumbass in that regard and repeatedly refused to get actually treated in favor of holistic bullshit.
Iirc he'd have lived quite a lot longer if he had.
He didn't even try (in the beginning). Money and early treatment would absolutely have saved his life.
the Apple mastermind eventually came to regret the decision he had made years earlier to reject potentially life-saving surgery in favor of alternative treatments like acupuncture, dietary supplements and juices
Please don't call for the destruction of property of total strangers, that's very disrespectful.
Gosh I wonder why
When the drag on the share price is greater than the cult of personality pull.
Fuck yeah
Musk is going to sue everybody that hates Nazis probably.
You don't have to light a swasticar on fire, they do that themselves.
Yeah the cyber truck would sell a lot better if it was a diesel.
The headlights aren’t blinding enough either.
as CEO Elon Musk's political activities may be damaging the brand
May be damaging the brand?
I suppose this is one of the rare occasions where we can say without further investigation or study, that it certainly is a result of Nazi President Musk's political activities. -
As much as I hate elongated muskrat, this is Not a very good article, doesn't really explore the reasons behind the fall and instead pushes a narrative.
AFAIK there is an overall decrease in EV sales, Tesla is also announcing the new Model Y soon which is probably having a hold off effect for new buyers, either looking for the newer model or a good deal on the older model.
And the viable alternatives from the competitors will also eat into their sales more than anything, Renault R5, new Fiat Panda, new Citroen EC3 that starts from like 20k.
Those who wanted a tesla likely already have one, the rest are taking the alternatives, that are either smaller or better built.
Yes but it didn't because he thought he could drink kale juice or something instead of spending on it. So you just need cancer and a belief in quack medicine.