Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?
X was the last one with a good story
being a linear game isn't a negative though and in ffx you get the airship to do nonlinear content.
interests are subjective I thought the game starting off with the destruction of a city and being flung "1000 years" into the future held my interests
How do you like the toppings on your pizza?
Clearly they haven’t played Persona 5/Royal, and seen how much you can innovate with turn based battles and make them really fun
16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.
FWIW 16 isn’t a basic medieval fantasy setting.
I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.
FF16 is at least advanced medieval fantasy setting
::: spoiler Tag given a huge part of the story is literally aliens either you didn’t play the game or think aliens belong in medieval fantasy. spoiler text :::
I'm not quite that far yet
::: spoiler spoiler
I smashed the mothercrystals and there's the big dark crystal and Mid made the hideout a boat, I gotta get back into it tho clearly!