Name one thing you don't believe in, but you wish was actually true.
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That our benevolent alien overlords are gonna show up aaaaaany minute now...
Most people at their core are good people
An afterlife. Might be nice.
That false vacuum decay will occur very soon on a human timescale here.
Reincarnation - I’d like to believe I’ve met others before, maybe even many times. It would explain some stuff like why you’re irrationally drawn or repelled by certain people.
That humans can survive the climate disaster they created.
That there's a place for the hopeless sinners who've betrayed all mankind just to serve their own beliefs.
Religion, mythology and probably anything mystical. It's very easy why people believe in them, they're so alluring and genuinely wish they had truth to them. Unfortunately the only truth to be found is ancient wisdom, and even that can be very iffy sometimes.
My cat can understand everything I say but chooses not to listen
you may be interested in mysticism then.
I've always held that the true purpose of religion is to create atheists, and not in the modern edge lord I reject your god way.
I mean, there's real data to support this. If you don't believe it that's like me not believing that hurricanes exist just bedsitter I haven't been through one.
The 'common' part of 'common sense'
Aliens visiting Earth.
I know it's a statistical impossibility that we're the only life out there. I just don't believe they've ever been here. Since we haven't been either conquered or uplifted yet.
I was gonna go with "most people give a damn", but I think you phrased it a bit more positively.
Fucking seriously... I wish there were aliens that could save us from ourselves, but it's just oligarchs all the way down...
There is a gospel passage about how much will be expected of those whom have been given much. I've always heard this interpreted as how church leaders will be judged harshly in the afterlife. I wish this and hell were true, just for the sheer shock and disbelief of all the hypocritical religious leaders who've done so many terrible things and continued to preach hate.
Damn, ya beat me. I'm not good people to so I know from first hand experience.
I used to think the Anne Frank quote was inspiring. Now I just see it as bitterly ironic.
I think “good” and “bad” are hard terms to apply to people objectively, but I do believe that most people value social coherence and are willing to do (the minimum amount of) something to maintain it. If you can’t believe at least that it means that all of those thin blue line people are right, and I’m just not willing to believe that’s true.