Kanye West takes back Nazi statements after backlash: I’m not a Nazi | The Express Tribune
“I’ll do it again”
Nazi and coward are redundant statements.
He'll be a Stalinist tomorrow.
Nah sorry you already told us what you are. I'm good.
You can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.
Go eat some fish sticks ye.
So he didn't actually take anything back... He just lied
Kanye has legit bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder. There was a moment after his mother passed where the guy's entire personality changed and his thoughts became really disorganized. My point is you're correct, Kanye's not approaching this as a coherent ideology
When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.
I graduated first at the top of my class at Wharton’s School of Redundancy School
This wacky, crazy guy might have actually been a worse president than Trump. That might be going to far, not really sure.
I hope he trips and lands face first, no hands
Nah, his mom was the one making sure he took his meds.
What, did he start up on his meds again?
Kanye West Medicated: "That guys a silly goose..."
Kanye West Unmedicated: *Goose stepping intensifies!"
I for one prefer medicated Kanye, if he needs to be unmedicated to create art, lock the mofo away from his phone while he do it. -
Lumping Ye together with people with intellectual disabilities isn’t fair to those people.
At this point, I no longer care. It doesn’t matter how legitimate his excuses may be. He’s spread and popularized enough hatred that I don’t think he deserves sympathy anymore.
It's not an excuse, it's an explanation. Illness doesn't excuse bad behavior
yea right