Kanye West takes back Nazi statements after backlash: I’m not a Nazi | The Express Tribune
What an amazing sentence.
No, there were none. Where do you get your history knowledge? From anime?
I wish I could claim autorship, but it was originally from, I belive, a Tumblr post.
I'll admit that I can't find any specific roles for the nazis, publically they banned other races from working in the military and government, but there were many black members of the Wehrmacht's LFV as well as the Free Arabian Legion, and also stories from some of those captured on the Russian front as well.
The rest of what I said was on point, they faced sterilization in the heart of Germany.
Google AI
if it talks like a nazi, walks like a nazi and throws saluts like a nazi, its a nazi
Ah, he's back on his meds again.
"You misunderstood me, I'm not a NAZI, I'm literally Hitler reincarnate!"
Has anyone considered not talking about him?
I do not buy that he wasn't always a nazi, just that when he takes his meds he remembers he has to hide being a nazi becuase it costs him money. This is another example of him going back on his meds and realizing he just made it harder for himself to earn money, again. His mom was someone who actually tried to look after him and make sure he took his meds, rather than trying to bilk him for every penny.
Interesting how he has a propensity to identify with Nazism, yet the commentators quoted all use “antisemitism”. The conflation is not unreasonable, but stood out to me.
Of course it's Tumblr.
Let's review. Kanye West is a:
Fucking moron
If you're bipolar II, then you've never had a manic episode. People in a severe manic episode very commonly experience psychosis and go down conspiratorial rabbit holes around politics, race, religion, etc. that they 100% would not have otherwise gone down
Good thing is he doesn't get to decide that.
You can watch "Jeen-yuhs" and see for yourself. It's very clear Kanye became a very different person at a clear point during that documentary. The person saying there things today is not the same person who said "George Bush hates black people."
Remember when Gemini AI spewed out images of Black Nazis and white supremacists were triggered, huh? IT WAS ON TO SOMETHING, WASN'T IT? /s
He sold swastika shirts. This wasn't even close to an "oops, I misspoke" incident.
It could be that the Nazis recruited some black people abroad, like you said in legions, as mercenaries or in colonies to do the dirty work for them, but they never ever would have given them high ranking titles due to their fucked up race ideology.
Kanye wants to be liked by musicians.