Kanye West takes back Nazi statements after backlash: I’m not a Nazi | The Express Tribune
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A Nazi and a coward?
Typical and even worse; boring.
I think you will find, Mr. West, that it is not so easy to unring the bell. If you are truthfully NOT a Nazi then I would say you have a long road of public actions fighting Nazis convincingly if you wish to be believed.
Looks like a Nazi to me. A black Nazi. lol. That’s gonna end well.
Get fucked, Kanye.
Nazis sell swastika t-shirts on their shitty clothing websites.
To paraphrase Tywin Lannister: anyone who must say “I am not a Nazi” is Marist certainly a nazi
I don't think this is a case a of real politics. He's just ...I don't know the right word or the politically correct word...
Why hasn't he just died yet
Then maybe not say you are a Nazi?
“I’ll do it again”
Nazi and coward are redundant statements.
He'll be a Stalinist tomorrow.
Nah sorry you already told us what you are. I'm good.
You can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.
Go eat some fish sticks ye.
So he didn't actually take anything back... He just lied
Kanye has legit bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder. There was a moment after his mother passed where the guy's entire personality changed and his thoughts became really disorganized. My point is you're correct, Kanye's not approaching this as a coherent ideology