Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it - News Cafe
Exploit it? The EU thinks they can exploit the chaos? What are they going to do, give us universal health care, a strong safety net, consumer protections, renewable energy and TRAINNNNNNSSSSSSS? (Please, oh please)
They’ll blame it on Obama, Hillary, Biden, communism, LGBTQ, Black people, immigrants, etc.
They never take the blame - there’s always an ‘other’ to demonize.
The newest dog whistle is simply DEI. They managed to snuggly clump all their racism and misogyny into a single acronym.
What did we do? As if our governments aren’t US vassals? Yet you still demonize us.
To the indigenous people, the US has always been fascist.
Next time a blonde haired blue eyed British man named Lawrence comes asking you to rebel against the Ottomans you'll think twice, huh
V for vendetta shit
Very true and annoyed at myself for forgetting. Thanks for reminding me.
There were legitimate grievances, but most Arabs did not rebel against the Ottomans. In fact many more died fighting for it.
Anything supposedly said by "Anonymous" as a hacker group should always be treated with immense skepticism.
There do exist somewhat legitimate sub-factions that actually take serious actions and do serious ops, and also semi-legitimate "outlets" for their statements... but there's also an overwhelming amount of smokescreen bullshit "anon news outlets" and little script kiddies running around. It's important/intentional that those continue existing as smoke screen for the more "serious" factions.
Beyond that, being an anonymous group with no real methods of confirming membership to outsiders (insiders can just check if you're in the private IRCs and etc) it means that just about anyone and everyone can make some big declaration like this. The proof will be in the results, not some announcement that could be made by a rando.
No matter who is really making these threats/warnings, I think things are going to get pretty dire in the US government IT space. It's been well known for decades that most government orgs have absolutely abysmal cyber security, and now you have a bunch of young adult tech-bros with no true accountability running roughshod over all of it. Then there's the fact that more than one of them have "serious black hat hacker" backgrounds.
Going to be one wild ride.
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt have been caught spying on the US (or US citizens) from what I know
The world fsociety brought about was shit
Don’t forget the billionaires too.
You prob complain about protesters disrupting regular people too
So, they are going to hurt innocent people to save the innocent people?
How exactly does this help us?
Why attack infrastructure we need to survive? So many other targets I feel would have better results. -
Saudi Arabia is allegedly spying on Saudis abroad including in the US.
This is bad and probably violates US laws. But it wasn’t targeting the US or US citizens. Meanwhile, Israel is targeting the US and US citizens:
Israel Has Long Spied on U.S., Say Officials -
I don't know about government overall, but the military and HHS have has some of the most stringent security stances I've encountered. To the point where just working for them was a massive chore. (How effective they were I guess I don't know, but working for them sucked.)
That said, I'll take what you said on faith, because I think you're spot on with everything else.
The final season they steal all of the money the ruling elites had been using to control the world, ending their grip on society.
Could also be argued that the dark army did the most evil shit and the government siding with the deus group rather than taking the side of the citizens is why things spiraled after wiping out the debt history of everyone.
Elon and the other people pulling the strings on society losing all their money would not be a bad thing for civilization at all
That said, I’ll take what you said on faith, because I think you’re spot on with everything else.
I mean, it's not a secret that governments everywhere run really outdated software (think things like Windows 7 and older) because "it works", so it really shouldn't be too surprising.
As much and as little that anonymous means, because of the name, because of what the name implies, because of what they do, claim they do, and well, we don't know what they do... As much as all of that is true, it's AWESOME to hear from them again, if it is them...
I can't wait to see "real" anonymous actions again, lord knows we can use it