Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it - News Cafe
Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it. The international hacker community is preparing to strike against U.S. infrastructure and calls for public awareness against incoming fascism
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Don't need to open Twitter to watch it
Will it be like when they launched a load of DDoS attacks against Sony, of which the only impact was annoying regular people and doing nothing to the company they were supposedly going after?
They're all talk and no bite. The world needs fsociety
I don’t know if this is the point you’re making, but IIRC, they are a disorganized group, so anybody can claim to be part of them.
Yea I think that was the joke in that scene, but I can't seem to find a clip of it
They have always been techno-punks: anti-establishment and more style than substance. That being said, if nothing else, they were able to shine a light on shitty people and that's more than most folks do.
I wish they were getting into organizations and dumping gigs of documents detailing illegal and anti-consumer/citizen activities, but money and law enforcement really goes after anything with an actually impact that might affect wealth. No one actually gives a shit about a website being down. (Excepting like... Amazon or Google and good fucking luck with that.)
So it's like a flaming bag of shit left on a porch. They take care of it and shout "you damn punks!" But if you burn the barn down, every cop in the county will be interrogating everyone they can find until you are caught.
Gotcha, I honestly didn’t watch the video, so the joke is now on me.
Anonymous is going to attack the American people's infrastructure?
Well I hope they choose their targets right, otherwise it'll just make everything worse.
..unless you're pretending not to know, and you really are in.. IT
Exploit it you say? Please get in line behind the russians, the chinese snd pretty much all arab countries
If they actually gave a shit about spreading awareness, they’d find a way to get that video on Fox News, OANN, etc
That's kind of inevitable right now. The most important thing is making sure Trump and the GOP get the blame.
"America is becoming fascist" makes me cringe.
It cannon become something that it has been for a long time. US was fascist under Clinton, Bush, Obama, first Trump admin, Biden and it keeps on the same track now. It's less than useless rallying cry when US foreing policy alone in the past 70 years is a realworld example of the thought experiment of "what would have happened if nazi-germany had won WW2". Genocide, war, coup, and dictatorship galore committed by the United States, especially after the 80s.
In the end what this narrative is about is that precarious middle class liberals fear that even more of the practices that US has been spreading around the world are now coming home and now the US government will gut it's own people instead of some foreigners. Even this isn't unprecedented and at worst Trump can only make things worse for some, but for many what they fear is already reality.
Makes me really think if this "Anonymous cell" has any real grass-roots basis or if it's just the same coup-mongers hiding behind thin leftist veneer to just jump against Trump, who they see as destructive loose cannon to their operations, not as an real opponent. Nothing new for Anonymous name being used in this way btw. Where were they under Biden?
That's gonna be a big ask. Republicans don't even get the blame for the things they do themselves. Oligarch propaganda is everywhere and pernicious, look at how the average working class American has accepted the notion that low level bureaucrats are the reason they're poor.
It was the very final episode. Sort of a special. That wrapped up the series. Sometimes referred to as season 5. The name of the episode is the internet is coming.
Don't bother with this troll. They are a fake account made a day ago to rile decent.
Anonymous is bored again? Oh, okay.
Exploit it? The EU thinks they can exploit the chaos? What are they going to do, give us universal health care, a strong safety net, consumer protections, renewable energy and TRAINNNNNNSSSSSSS? (Please, oh please)