White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
You're framing that as a difference in taste when in reality it was a difference in having shitty bigoted views or not. Haven't you fuckers muddied the water enough?
You Americans need to prove that 2A is useful and shoot this treasonous cunt.
Is there another form of end stage capitalism?
Great show!
Officially? Jan. 20, 2025
This feels suspiciously like traitorous activity.
Is it because of the way it is?
Less than less than a third voted against him.
It's the pee pee tapes. I was clear from 2015, people just didn't care.
Does anyone else remember the 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton where she accused Trump of being a puppet for Putin, and he interrupted "No puppet, no puppet! You're the puppet!"
Or when Alnur Mussayev, the Russian officer who served in the KGB's 6th Directorate in Moscow, said that Trump was recruited as a Russian asset in 1987, under the codename "Krasnov", when he went to Russia for a "real estate project".
Prem'yer-ministr Ameriki Trump
If you are a greedy person, the bigger Russia has a lot more to offer than protecting smaller Ukraine's freedom.
Shut the fuck up Ivan
I’m so close, pwease wet me cum daddy Putin
- Donny J Trump
Trump is malicious. Most Americans are just plain ignorant.
The moron that tried used an AR-15 which shoots a tiny little bullet and not the appropriate calibre. If he had known anything about ballistics we wouldn’t be dealing with this.
That's what you get with a bad education system.
I was taught how to consider bullet velocity and trajectory by the government when I was 20.