White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
Word has changed since cold war u know.
I like godless commies more than what Russia is now.
Sad development -
I looked it up, nato round is 7.62x51, ours is 7.62x39
The Russian machine gun uses 7.62x54mmR
No knowledge of our squad weapons, so maybe not they much from the squads either. Perhaps... You'd enjoy watching some?
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Some of it is in English but most is Finnish, some Swedish. Excellent CC no ai-generated shit. It's made by the FDF, Finnish Defence Forces. It's essentially a video of what would happen between an invasion if a.. cough cough Eastern neighbour, happened to attack.
Jeesus, I loved being in the army so much and my nowadays person who uses 95% English is such a different person from the person I was when doing my conscription, that I turned on the CC to check it's okay and every sentence gives me could chills for some reason. I know how to translate this obviously. But it's some weird clash between my English personality and Finnish 20y ago personality. Not bad. Good.
Ignorance has consequences tho.
This is kind of an underrated sentiment. I think a big reason there aren’t more protests and revolting is because we really can’t afford it. The financial impact on each individual can be significant. Employers don’t support time off for anything of a political nature, not even voting.
I don’t believe this situation isn’t intentional. It seems that countries who take two hour lunch breaks and don’t let their jobs dictate their entire lives are far more likely to protest en mass.
And oh boy aren't we seeing that right now
Yeah, note instead of Russia being a communist authoritarian hellscape, it’s a capitalist authoritarian hellscape.
Very different
Yes, but Russia (or at least Putin) hasn't.
Fuck man.....kinda feelin that way ey?
Trump is so l still a Russian asset. Doing russias bidding
No he was well within range for a 5.56. the problem was his scope wasn't sighted in correctly and he sucked at shooting.
At about the 5 minute mark he gets into the incorrect zero. -
Ordinary Men is another very good one. It uses testimony from after the war to establish the story of a real life German police unit and their commander who were ordered to start mass killing.
Just because it is in range doesn’t mean it’s appropriate
It was the wrong calibre for what he was doing. The wrong platform for his objective.
I can but 4” clay pigeons at 50m with a 9mm pistol but I should use something else.
Thing is, saving that house now by forsaking the country could lead to that same door being kicked down by the feds in just a few months for that liberal Facebook post you made calling trans people human. Get in the Gitmo van.
Vote suppression was rife. There were over two million mail-in ballots trashed. Black voters' ballots were nine times more likely to be trashed than white voters'.
Many of them never left.
Oh look, another Trumper obsessed with culture war issues that no one else cares about.. I'm so surprised.