White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
Trump is so l still a Russian asset. Doing russias bidding
No he was well within range for a 5.56. the problem was his scope wasn't sighted in correctly and he sucked at shooting.
At about the 5 minute mark he gets into the incorrect zero. -
Ordinary Men is another very good one. It uses testimony from after the war to establish the story of a real life German police unit and their commander who were ordered to start mass killing.
Just because it is in range doesn’t mean it’s appropriate
It was the wrong calibre for what he was doing. The wrong platform for his objective.
I can but 4” clay pigeons at 50m with a 9mm pistol but I should use something else.
Thing is, saving that house now by forsaking the country could lead to that same door being kicked down by the feds in just a few months for that liberal Facebook post you made calling trans people human. Get in the Gitmo van.
Vote suppression was rife. There were over two million mail-in ballots trashed. Black voters' ballots were nine times more likely to be trashed than white voters'.
Many of them never left.
Oh look, another Trumper obsessed with culture war issues that no one else cares about.. I'm so surprised.
The US is sabotaging its own alliances. They're hardly untouchable.
The BLM protests were the largest in US history. The fact is that most Americans have been coddled by a stable democracy and don't care if they lose it, as long as someone puts a buck in their pocket. They think it won't affect them because Congress bad, both sides bad.
Of the ones who do care, they think protests dOn'T wOrK because BLM or the Palestine protests failed. Completely ignoring the fact that other civil resistance movements have succeeded and are historically more successful than armed revolts against the upper class.
Maybe that's cause Russia hasn't been communist in a long while.
Isnt that what us is?
Idk man it was less than 200 yards. The military does qualifications out to 500 with the same caliber. Right after it happened every journalist was out there saying it was an impossible shot, which it wouldn't be for a reasonably skilled shooter. If you look it up most folks are saying 5.56 is effective out to 600 and a skilled shooter can group at 1,000 or more.
Idk why I'm arguing about this the kid was a useless shithead, just wish he'd done better I suppose.
It was the generation after the Nazis that did all the work to redeem Germany. The Nazis themselves never admitted that what they did was wrong, even when it destroyed their own country.
And of course they felt free. To the mediocre, the hateful, and the weak-minded, "freedom" means power over others, and the Nazis gave their supporters a tiny bit of that power.
It hasn't stopped people from thinking that "communism" is a synonym for "bad".
Yeah well, there were still 90 million who didn't give a shit and stayed on the couch. That would've easily turned everything around.
The only thing that hasn't changed since then is Russia