White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
Idk man it was less than 200 yards. The military does qualifications out to 500 with the same caliber. Right after it happened every journalist was out there saying it was an impossible shot, which it wouldn't be for a reasonably skilled shooter. If you look it up most folks are saying 5.56 is effective out to 600 and a skilled shooter can group at 1,000 or more.
Idk why I'm arguing about this the kid was a useless shithead, just wish he'd done better I suppose.
It was the generation after the Nazis that did all the work to redeem Germany. The Nazis themselves never admitted that what they did was wrong, even when it destroyed their own country.
And of course they felt free. To the mediocre, the hateful, and the weak-minded, "freedom" means power over others, and the Nazis gave their supporters a tiny bit of that power.
It hasn't stopped people from thinking that "communism" is a synonym for "bad".
Yeah well, there were still 90 million who didn't give a shit and stayed on the couch. That would've easily turned everything around.
The only thing that hasn't changed since then is Russia
There is no mechanism to removing someone from NATO, or the UN, especially the UN Security council. literally meaning, there is no way it will be done that will be recognized
a far more effective method would be for protesting nations to leave those orgs themselves. UNSC members could literally drop nuclear weapons on half the world, and still be untouchable in the UN. its a broken system that aimed to add permanent power to the victors of WW2. except, all countries are corruptable.
Trump is a foreign spy that managed to gain control of his enemies military.
Exhibit B.
Under Orange Krasnov, Lada, Kamaz, GAZ, etc...will replace the Big Three. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
Just wait. In fucking Russia, civilians are not allowed to own an AK-47, AKM or any military based rifle. To take complete power, Krasnov will need to stomp on 2A.
That event was staged, look at Krasnov's fucking ear. No scars!
pretty much, they switches thier strategy to using propaganda and bribing since the 80s;.
Trump got ties with russia...
That's why they get along so swimmingly
The US is NATO.
Even though the EU has been funding Russia with fossil fuel imports? Kinda feels like we're the only country that was willing to make a stand and did it alone while Russia's GDP rose last year.
damn, seems like I definitely chose the right instance.
::: spoiler
You're an awesome admin
::: -
You underestimate plastic surgeries
This is a total lie.
there is no sense to keep funding stupid usaid propaganda - it keeps population dumb