Russia won't accept Nato troops in Ukraine, Lavrov says after talks with US
Lavrov was the first foreign emissary to visit Trump in the Oval Office the first time they stole the election. At that time, our demented rapist revealed classified intelligence that burned some Israeli spies and everyone learned very quickly not to tell the gibbering fuckface anything if you wanted it to stay secret.
Since they sent Little Marco, I didn't think they were serious anyway but now it seems ridiculously obvious.
What a shit take.
Flashy words to hide the complete lack of substance, again.
Substance isn’t flashy words; it’s depth of thought,
I'm seeing neither.
russia can accept deez nuts
Delusional russ do not "accept" reality... So what ?
Jesus, I love the block function on Lemmy. Another one goes on the list.
What... Uhhh... What are they going to do about it? Bomb London and eat nukes?
I know it's escalatory but sometimes you have to accept a little escalation to show you're willing. Just like a certain "Axis" in history they're pushing because they think everyone is too afraid of an actual war. And appeasement directly led to their war because the other powers waited until it was so far gone it could only be war.
But escalating a little to egg their face now, (not bloody it), it punctures that belief.
It's sad how these mental infants think they can negotiate anything about Ukraine, when there is nobody present with a mandate to do so.
Lavrov is as bad as they come, and he can go fuck himself. Nothing he says has any value.
It's not even interesting what they agree on, because it's completely irrelevant. The only thing interesting is how Trump reacts when he realizes the free world combined will absolutely distance themselves from it.
Russia is of course playing along, because they can create discord that way. USA has a fascist leader, that prefer to talk to other fascist leaders, and not the traditional democratic allies of USA.Trump is crashing USA as world leader for the 2nd time. But this time is worse, and he has done it right from the start of his presidency. Paving the way for a much quicker new world order where China dominates.
I have trouble making sense of your proposed world view. Your (well) organized comment gestures wildly at a bigger picture, implying there is something that one cannot observe by merely reading news. On its own that would be a straightforward idea, but you continue and claim that there is/are something/s governing the governments?
I request, please, more information. -
Why are all of your replies indistinguishable from a bored algorithm
Why do you keep projecting onto others the very thing that people keep saying about you?
Their comments are not well organized. Look at their comment history; they write like a bot trained to generate pseudo-profound bullshit.
First 24 hours still not over?
Its not funny and theyre not mental infants, its calculated, sociopathic geopolitical maneuvering by very capable, ruthless people
I wrote I find it sad, why do you think it would be funny?
All the power russia has is the one given to it.
I think I've upvoted when I've found your comments to be on point regardless of the style choices. Hostility destroys the substance you're trying to convey. Better to disregard the blame from those who get stuck with the format, provoking back never works.
How 'bout we do anyway?
Hitler wouldnt accept allied troops in France either
Too bad dickhead, Ukraine doesn't accept Russian troops in Ukraine but here we are.