What's something that's taken for granted that occasionally makes you think, wait wtf?
I just looked this up because I didn't believe you, but you aren't spinnin' tales, my friend. This is true, and it's blowing my mind. Thank you for sharing this fact!
This is wild. Good share!
This seems like it would make for a good Wikipedia article, but am I could find was this section:
They are made of steel, lmao... how silly do they think we are.
Is the inspiration behind it, I think.
Your comment just reminded me of a sci-fi short story about how humans solve every problem eith explosions.
What if we were able do to travel around in a robot suit that we could fully control. Oh yeah, thats a car.
Reminds me of the Asgard from Stargate and how there advanced race was surprised about how we us explosives to propel a bullet and "primitive" things they never really thought of or considered because there dangerous.
It’s insane how wasteful modern software is. The infinite growth mindset causes companies to pack more useless features into software and load it up with spyware and adware.
Google and Facebook’s tracking and ad software are a big cause of computing waste in most websites and mobile apps.
Scale. That’s the one thing I can’t get my head around
The point is that you can’t follow a straight line on a globe, because that’s longer than taking a slight curve. If you take a straight line, you follow the entire circumference of the earth, but following a curved path allows you to avoid some of the width. Basically, the circumference means a straight line is more curved than a curved path.
So amazing, the amount of incredible science we've been able to do with the Voyager program.
That milk forms such a big part of western diets considering where it comes from.
Lightning trapped in sand etc. I used to play a kids game called Turing Tower which shows how all logic operations can be replicated with little plastic seesaws and marbles. If you put the bits of plastic on the board in the right way you can see marbles falling by gravity performing binary addition. It blows my mind that that's all that's going on in my PC, just a trillion times the scale. I've worked in IT all my life and it continually surprises me that any of this stuff even works.
Really makes me wonder what cybernetics will look like in a hundred, a thousand(!) years. No-one can experience someone else's consciousness. But if an artificial brain extension generated consciousness the same way we do and if it could be swapped between people safely. It might be the first time we have something saying, objectively, it has experienced being both of us in each of our brains and we see "red" the same way. The mind boggles...
The aviation industry can absorb a whole lot of sin before they're on equal danger footing with automotive, if for no other reason than sheer volume. Most people, unless you fly constantly for work, get on a plane once a year or less. Most people drive to work almost every day. Roads have traffic, the skies do not (at least, not nearly to the same extent, midair collisions can happen but they're rare).
I have no doubt the skies are about to become noticeably less safe, but they've got a looooot of catching up to do before they dethrone the automobile as one of the top 3 leading causes of death in America.
Yeah dude the more I think of milk as sexual assault the stranger it feels.
Has anyone ever sent you nudes cause of your name?
Isn't it still a straight line from the perspective of someone travelling it? It just appears curved because you're looking at it from outside the curved surface.
Well, hardly ever.