What's something that's taken for granted that occasionally makes you think, wait wtf?
I'm pretty sure in that case the sound alone would kill us..
it's the lactose tolerance pyramid scheme
to be fair, most of the calculations were done on Earth
Voyager 1 is the antithesis of planned obsolescence¹, with it long outlasting its mission
¹the real kind, no the meme kind liberals often say that things are the result of
In the staff fridge at work someone used to label their milk as "breast milk" and people would go eeeww. Like it was snot or something. But from a cow's breasts? Fine! So weird.
Homelessness. But I don't occasionally think about it. I see it every day. In the richest nation in recorded history.
Well humans do be gross
It's always been a rich man's country. All for one, none for all.
You're talking about great circle routes, which is why long distance airplane flights look strangely curved on most flat projection maps.
What's even more fun is Coriolis force, which in the Northern hemisphere will deflect your path slightly to the right. Pilots tend not to think about it because the wind is a much greater force for deflection but it's there.
i don't even understand what you think 'straight' and 'curved' even mean at this point.
Fortunately, there is a Tom Scott video.
IIRC it's not even the only sterilized insects US government air drops from planes. ( Fruit flies over LA? )
What country? Is it really rich if it can't look after its citizens?
Thanks for sharing!
Humans be allowed in, on and across roads in many countries. Jay walking is the most insane non-crime I’ve ever heard of. I still don’t really believe it exists…
So, yeah, car centric cities are both terrible and insane - but not every city in the world is that way; thankfully.
Printed currency.
Water. Fresh drinking water straight from the tap.
And yet I'm seeing lots of people in the UK start to buy bottled water. Worse: canned water.
The shittification of public services in favour of private products is a creep I'm not paying enough attention to