Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
Prosecution is one possibility. Getting gunned down is another. Getting sent to Gitmo is another. Having your family retaliated against is another.
They watched that one The Big Bang Theory episode.
Would be weird if we are, with the state of everything recently being what it is.
Oh brother...
Telephones have been insecure for at least 20 years. Cellphones have backdoors built into the protocol standards. Face-to-face or good encryption are the options.
An actual use. Yeah send help!
Maybe we shouldnt vote. Thatll show em
Because the image quality is poor
You can actually edit your browsing history in the Amazon app if you’d like to remove that.
Black cojoles
For real. Serious props to this person.
Please fuck off, thanks.
You should have been worrying for years now.
So we must form our own.
This dude thinks "hundreds of millions" of people voted for Trump lol, he's just not a serious person.
I could be mistaken, but I think that was a consideration when designing the stars and stripes. The colors and lack of symmetry make it easy to see its orientation from a distance.
I don't understand what it's going to take for someone to do something. Protests are not going to work when they're holding all our money, services, rights, data, etc hostage, and threatening all our public servants. We already had a hard time protesting before this, because health care is tied to employment. It's not a coincidence that they're going after Medicare and Medicaid. They want an entire nation of indentured servants. Unable to own anything, including our own freedom. When we can't work anymore we can just go die in the wilderness like animals I guess. Hmm where have we heard that before?
Everyone is terrified and exhausted. It seems pretty evident that the election was outright stolen, and I have a hard time believing nobody in power suspected something that many of us immediately called, not with the mountains of evidence that's been stacking up for months, years even. So why didn't they do anything? Why did they wait until Trump was sworn in to even talk about it?
I see Canadians online talking about Americans like we chose this. But we didn't, it was forced upon us, and we're begging for help! Who can we turn to if not our allies? What is going on???
It wasn't stolen and it wasn't forced on you. Depressingly enough, turkeys, it seems, do sometimes vote for Christmas. I totally agree with you about the awfulness of the situation but - he told you how he was going to govern, he told you what he was going to do and then he won the election that enables him to do it. You did, as a nation, choose this.
I don't know how any nation state can really intervene on the basis. Its not like Hitler steam rolling Poland or Putin annexing the Crimea - this isn't an invasion or a hostile takeover, it's an elected President carrying out the will of the people that voted for him.
I don't understand what it's going to take for someone to do something
Who is someone? Who is something? Organize and mobilize. I know all Americans didn’t choose this, but you’ll need a lot of support/like minded folks (which it sounds like you have). Trump’s shock doctrine has clearly worked. Try and focus on tangible steps to take whether it’s annoying the heck out of your elected officials, joining a grassroots org, or attending a public rally on an off day.
I hear you... The problem is no one is going to come save us.
Change can only happen internally.
Unsure what can be done though... Voting and protests don't seem to be effective...
If nothing changes everyone will have to get comfortable enough to feel like freedom is fighting for.
This means first amendment up, train, and be ready for the day to when we need to defend our constitution.
The confederacy already lost once, they will lose again.
At the rate this is going I honestly don't see any other future.