Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
What are you asking outside forces to do? Invade America and install a foreign government because americans are unable to maintain their freedom?
This is literally the first I've heard of any of these things and whilst I'm not in North America I follow the political situation pretty closely. I'm not saying your wrong about any of it but who are the people saying this and where are they saying it? Has it been reported on either internally or externally to the US?
The overall playbook is fascist I agree but the situation I was trying to compare was Hitler invading a sovereign nation. Trump hasn't done that (yet anyway). I've got good friends in the US and I am very worried about them, I'm just not sure you're betting on the right horse by asking for outside nation-state aid. Rightly or wrongly they'll see that Trump was elected legally and they're never going to invade a country on that basis. There was zero talk of repercussions for Germany until Hitler invaded Poland because he followed the democratic process (or successfully manipulated it) to get elected and assume total power.
Perhaps we can ask the Taliban for help
You think NATO should attack its own most powerful member just because hou have a hunch that the election was stolen? So like Jan 6 but on steroids?
You must be a russian troll-bot. This is the problem with the Internet, anybody can say their own crazy ideas and others will take them seriously.
You're saying that like it's a bad thing? If that's what needs to happen so that Elon Musk doesn't irreparably damage our country and cause the deaths of millions, then yes. Please. Invade us. We've done it to plenty of other countries, maybe it's our turn.
Also yeah, that's pretty much what NATO does when shit really hits the fan.
Stop begging. Start demanding. They need to understand that democracy and unionization was the compromise. And, apparently, they won't listen to words.
That's neither easy, nor pretty, nor civilized. But they fucked around, and need to find out.
If you feel something, you're never alone. Organize through meatspace, use no digital tools. Which manual are you following? There are plenty to find if you look.
You write that like you're sure it's not real, and/or that others would or should think so. There's no obvious thing pointing towards it being fake by just looking at the photo, no clear editing signs or anything like that. But we should make sure it is real by finding other photos, there must be more if it is real.
In 2016, people thought that Trump was the problem. That if Trump left, we could have civility restored to the electoral process. Defeating Trump won't solve the problem because he isn't it - it is the electorate. The voters need to SEE what will happen when this or that occur.
Deport all the immigrants, see the damage that brings, then bring them back with legal protections this time.
Cancel all the science, see how far behind we get, then bring it back with all the funding to make the next moonshot.
Get rid of all fogien aid, watch as our global power dimishes, the vote to bring it back with a clear and true purpose other than empire building.
The people don't know WHY these things are important, and are unwilling to listen or learn. Thus, the only teacher is to experience. But to quote Trump: "There will be some pain" when doing it.
With all due respect, if this is the first you're hearing of any of this, then no you are not following the situation "pretty closely."
The hundreds of bomb threats from Russian servers on election day alone should be enough to convince people that some hinky shit was going on.
There's all kinds of stuff on Bluesky, discussion on reddit and lemmy, lots of reliable sources like AP News, The Atlantic, and Gizmodo, as well as recordings of interviews with Musk, and of Trump rallies. There's also hard ballot data from at least a few counties that has been studied by highly qualified analysts, and matches trends we see in elections in other countries that we know were a sham.
I could keep going but I'm tired and it's just not worth it. You're obviously skeptical, and that's just human nature, but how am I supposed to convince a skeptic from another country who isn't witnessing or experiencing this first hand? I'm not going to spin my wheels tracking down evidence for you, it's not a good use of the limited energy I have left. If you're truly curious the information is out there.
did they falsify 86 million votes? because that's how many people voted maga by sitting this one out.
Relevant: https://youtu.be/ZwMVMbmQBug
I don't disagree with you and I would love it if people had to experience the consequences of their poor decisions and learn hard lessons that they've been evading for years. The problem is that millions of innocents are and will be caught in the crosshairs. This is a matter of life or death for many people who did not vote for him and it is unconscionable to allow all those people to die just so a bunch of loud racist hillbillies with lead poisoning can learn a lesson.
There is no way to invade you.
The Canadians I talk to are either furiously pissed off and lashing out at me like I'm about to annex them myself or dead ass silent. This is a weird fucking timeline to say the least.
"Those who shout the loudest usually have the most to hide."
I'm not skeptical at all - I'm simply unaware of what you're talking about. When I say I'm following the situation pretty closely I mean the political situation as reported in the mainstream press. I don't think anyone who's from a country not directly involved is going to be aware of every resource unless its a special interest of theirs or its their job. I wouldn't expect someone not from the UK to be up to date with the latst developments of the Reform Party and how they're trying to swing the narrative here. If you have links, link 'em, I will definitely read them all. I'm asking you to lift my ignorance on the subject.
I'm not even joking but if this doesn't happen there's no hope for the future. we're past the point of simply prosecuting and hoping they get some time in prison. examples need to be made so others know that just because the supreme court said it's legal to do whatever the fuck you want doesn't mean you're getting away with it from the public.
I'm sorry, I'm Canadian, and what exactly do you think all of NATO could do, allied and organized against the American armed forces? Do you seriously believe we could stage an effective military campaign against America? That would he suicide.
but all the mainstream media is run by libruls.
Yeah, that is a great first step. Especially if you try to connect and network with other people during the protests to form longer lasting groups or find and participate in already existing ones.
This shit won't be fixed with protests alone, but if they help people get a taste for what it feels like to organize and take some power back, then it is already worth it. Hell, even being around people that feel the same way is already a net plus for a lot of people who are ideologically isolated.