Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building today
My impression is the most folks who voted for Trump did so because they genuinely, honestly believed that he is really and truly and antiestablishment rebel… Who is genuinely trying to help the working poor.
Which they are [working poor.]
(and, goes w/o saying, were hoodwinked by said ConMan… Just like all those retirees who voted for Ronald Reagan… And then were shocked and pissed when he immediately cut their Social Security.)In short,… Please don’t blame cult victims who've been deceived by s/o they misperceive as an authentic, charismatic individual.
I could say the same thing about my parents, who (still) strongly support(ed) Biden, despite being equally strongly opposed to the Palestine genocide.
They believed the lies.
Gaslighting. or at best, not reflecting on your initial comment.
Making reference to Christmas & Turkey’s, and making authoritative statements that “no, it’s not happening“ doesn’t seem to me like the approach of someone who is genuinely open and curious to learn.
Wait, what? Can you recommend a good source for that?
The only reason I’m asking for a source is because, well, a lot of sources, like NPR tend to leave out pretty vital info…!
Good cop, bad cop.
Divide and conquer.
This is literally the exact point.
Also, Fox News for like 20 years or more has had a “liberal“ segment, where they do equal stereotyping, strawman, caricatures, and general bashing of “conservatives“
Divide and conquer.
Get people to focus on inconsequential or less important issues or manufactured crisis (Which are real)…… Instead of allowing folks of different political stripes to unite around, for example, an end to billionaires and oligarchy.
Why did you put "no its not happening" in quotes as though I said that when I said no such thing?
My first comment was made without the benefit of knowing anything at all about the idea that the election was stolen. I am far from unique in that opinion as it seems even some US citizens were unaware of it. Simply posting assertions which, on the face of it, seem improbable, without any kind of source to provide context to those claims isn't going to inspire trust. If those links had been posted immediately I and others could've read them and had a more informed response.
From the moment I was told about this, my response changed to asking for more information - I said that I was clearly ignorant on the subject and asked to be educated on it.
There is a world of difference between someones views being shot down and someone being totally unaware and asking for sources to learn more.
Its a sad truth that there are a substantial amount of US citizens who seem to think that the entire world must know every intricate detail of the US political and legal system because America is the centre of the world. And then, when the rest of us admit we actually don't, accusations of gaslighting and invalidation. No ones being gaslit or invalidated - we're just not exposed or familiar with the same level of detail as you because we don't live there. If you're going to make a post essentially asking for the outside world to intervene, a good pace to start is by putting all the information there from the start, not going into a massive sulk because we're not aware of the details.
Too bad everyone that actually gives a damn about that option is on red team, and blue team thinks the 2nd amendment is for killing children and nothing else.
Thank you for acknowledging the quiet leftists who take responsibility for ourselves. I've been really upset with the crisis-mining nonstop drama panic rhetoric and dis-education about firearms from the Democratic party and their sockpuppet gun-panic action groups.
(While openly perpetuating systematic issues that increase likelihood of gun violence, of course.)
Now firearms ownership is disproportionately in the hands of conspiracy nuts and goose-stepping good-ol-boys, while many liberals are dogmatically hoplophobic and ignorant about them.
Reminder that the Socialist Rifle Association is a thing.
Educate your friends, get them out to the range, and by Almighty God keep close social ties on each other's mental health.
I want to solve our problems with words and witty reparté, but we're seeing an increasing threat of mobilizing angry everyday sadists looking to hurt people, and stern memorandums aren't gonna cut it.
That statement is practically begging to be monkey-pawed
I shouldn't be surprised by your lack of reading comprehension
Back at it again with the projection.
And again, telling you he's going to break the law doesn't mean he's allowed to break the law even if he is voted in after saying it.
No idea why you keep bringing this up. Never once did I mention anything about this.
none of it lines up with anything I just said.
Because nothing you said lines up with what I said.
I've been talking about how a non-vote is a vote. It means being ok with either option, and since the majority didn't vote, that means they are ok with what's happening.You started talking about laws and such, probably to calm a guilty conscience.
You keep acting like votes mean permission to break the law. Our that people who generally don't pay attention to politics would be fine with someone they didn't vote for it against breaking the law. This is a dipshit logical stance to take. So pretending you're not the store one here when you try to say idiotic shit like this. Like did you think this through in your head?
Yes, I keep bringing it up because you boot lickers love to ignore the context of everything you argue about. Abstraction is the only chance you have at winning an argument against such an obviously one sided discussion.
We do. It's the 2nd amendment. Literally what it was written for, the forceful reclamation of democratic freedom should it be taken by a tyrannical leadership.
Except that’s not what it was written for. That’s a modern interpretation.
The 2nd amendment was written because Madison believed a standing army would make the Federal government too powerful, so he didn’t want a large standing army. He wanted each state to have a militia made up of citizens. He changed his mind on the matter after the War of 1812.
You know the 2nd amendment wasn’t about allowing overthrows of the government because the government put down rebellions with weapons in the years following its adoption.
You keep acting like votes mean permission to break the law
What are you on about. What I am saying is that this is what Americans wanted. Why is that so hard to grasp.
And again stop the projecting. I am not a trump supporter.
We need to go back through that one St. Louis neighborhood
Sorry I don't understand, you want a source about the protestors getting their accounts frozen, or about the coverage of that event? I've seen both but the meta-coverage will be harder to find because it is largely confined to Medium/Substack/blogs/etc..
Look buddy, let me make this actually simple for you:
Your reading list is peak "I just discovered politics" energy. Throwing around Nazi references while recommending Malcolm Gladwell knockoffs? Really? That's like citing Wikipedia while claiming to be a history professor.
Actually changing things = understanding that real systemic change doesn't come from your curated bookshop.org shopping cart. Your "movement action plan" reads like a LinkedIn influencer's guide to revolution.
And that Boston Tea Party comparison? Please. You're basically saying "let me explain this complex historical event by oversimplifying it into a Walmart analogy." The irony of using corporate metaphors to explain anti-corporate action is just chef's kiss.
The "dandelion rebellion"? Sounds like something a marketing team came up with after their third espresso. Next you'll tell me we should organize via TikTok dance challenges.
Catch my drift or need me to recommend some actual hands-on experience instead of your self-help revolution reading club?
I agreed with you completely until last week when I read this
Yeah Democrats suck, Kamala was a shit candidate, etc. But the election was quite literally stolen. Over two million mail-in ballots trashed. If you are black, your ballot was nine times more likely to get trashed than a white person's.
Please take the time to read. The author lists their credentials at the end.
Thanks for sharing this! I added the link to my OG comment.
I think the most likely the despotism and the scenario @[email protected] describes will not happen. The thing is if they do happen, they are disastrous. It's similar to how in Russian roulette you'll probably be fine. I don't know what level of risk justifies a armed rebellion. At this point an armed rebellion would turn a disaster that might happen into a certain disaster.
I am not saying to appease them or not protest. I am still hoping the US can be saved without violent rebellion. -
I didn't vote for him, but I am chillin'. The president, whoever that may be, has little impact on a citizens day to day life. I am far more concerned of who the governer of my state is.
News to me. Still, there’s more than enough fascists to turn this country into the 4th Reich.