What's the longest internet argument you have had?
Are you talking to me? I said that racism was traditionally used as a tool to divide working class movements so anti racism and class war go hand in hand. Trying to have one without the other is a classic way to divide working people against each other. Pretty weird how you read what I said and assumed I’m a racist.
Not sure. Anyone want to start some shit so we can find out?
Yeah less goo.
You might've missed the word "not" in my previous comment, lol
People should stop making these sort of posts
Conspiracy theory:
Autism isn't real, it is a conspiracy to pathologise otherwise normal human behaviour, to sell vast amounts of pharmaceutical products. It's targeted at kids, because they are less articulate and can't effectively argue that there is nothing wrong with them. The really insidious part is that after a while the kids believe it.
hey fuck you pal
It’s fine I wasn’t very clear with my reply so I see how it could be misconstrued. You’re clearly still traumatised from the original argument lol.
What is autism lol
I've never seen anyone win an argument. What would that even look like? What's the goal?