Inheriting is becoming nearly as important as working
Kings and nobles know this one simple trick
The biggest problem is housing becoming unaffordable, and believe me paying 40-50% of your net income just to put a roof over your head is very depressing. It really makes a big difference in your lifestyle. And mind you it is almost impossible to buy even a modest apartment in big cities on an average salary.
Yes, but that’s not what they were saying. Self-educated people might be just as smart as people with a formal education (possibly smarter even), but that does little good if you can’t get a job without the official credentials.
Why shouldn't your parents be allowed to spend their money on whatever makes them happy? Don't blame them for this financial system.
Sounds like they can’t really afford to live the lifestyle they are.
Yes, let them be happy supporting Disney, a company founded by a Nazi sympathizer and HD, a company that makes over-priced and 'Murican sized motorcycles with a built-in engineering defect that has become a feature.
Even with this shit financial system, you can make better choices. My comment still stands, they are dumbfucks. They've shown me that have no respect for me and my life, or my sibling and their child's life. But yea, let them be happy while they piss on nature with their wallets.
It’s plain impossible to buy a condo on a big city (the ones with jobs) on 2 above average salaries as well.
No it isn't.
I agree. Growth (quantitative and qualitative) is slowing down overall, on the whole planet, especially in the "west". And since growth requires human labor input - much more so than simply maintaining things does - demand for human labor is going down. And that can be noticed, by observing how wages (i.e. prices for human labor) are also going down.
Inheriting is the problem. We need a 90% inheritance tax.
I think it's the economic system that is designed to funnel money to the 1%.
I hope my parents spend everything so the US healthcare system gets none of it.
Or better yet, a simple maximum wealth cap. No one should have more than 1000x the median household income. That's the kind of fortune that even the most highly paid of doctors and lawyers, if they lived as absolute paupers and invested everything, would struggle to reach within their lifetimes. Even if you earned a salary of $1 million/year and lived like you were a broke college student, you would still be very unlikely to reach that level of wealth, even if you earned that salary from age 20 til death. The only way to amass that kind of fortune is through inheritance or through exploiting the labor of others.
We need a maximum wealth cap. 1000x median household income is incredibly generous, but it would still pale in comparison to even a single billion dollars. Currently, 1000x median household income would be a cap of about $80 million. A cap there still provides great incentive to work and innovate, but it prevents anyone from amassing such a fortune that they become a threat to their nation.
I knew economics was behind the other fields but holy hell they're about 15,000 years late to reach this conclusion.
And a negative income tax to fairly distribute it.
More of a lack of system. Wealth concentration isn't some grand master plan centuries in the making, it happens organically and we make systems to fix the problem.
I think the problem is more that there is a significant amount of research and politics that actively fights that conclusion. Why? "Meritocracy"
But why is housing becoming unaffordable when materials are cheaper and technology is significantly more efficient?
How come this doesn't apply to any other technology? The computers are better and cheaper, the TVs are, the machine tools are, the cars are etc. etc. The concrete is cheaper, the wood is cheaper, the quality is better, the logistics are faster and work force is more skilled and available.
No matter how you look at housing issue there's no explanation other than policy failure and market manipulation. It just makes no sense, right?