In shock announcement, Trump says U.S. wants to take over Gaza Strip
Claire Daly is absolutely pro-Russian, yeah.
No longer an MEP thankfully, her and that other clown Mick Wallace were both voted out..
People who are too moronic to understand the tightrope that any administration is walking in the middle east and think it's "just as bad" to give in to a fascist takeover instead are too far gone, and should start taking whatever meds are required asap.
Did biden do stupid shit? Sure. Did he made it worse? Yup. Was his at times clear and present dementia a deciding factor why trump has become president? Absofuckinglutely.
Is Biden the one proclaiming gaza a Trump realty project?
Most fucking certainly not.
"It seems that there might finally be a temporary peace in gaza... wait, it's, it's, BY GOD IT'S THE US COMING FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR"
Now tell me - keeping that state of mind and empathy - what fucking difference does it make that Kamala “vocally supported an end to the war”?
Because it means we haven't been completely been written off yet, public pressure could improve things. So you'd want the person who controls your fate to at least pretend to have empathy, not the maniac who used 'Palestinian' as a slur.
Can you tell me right now - concretely and materialistically, no vague bullshit - how things were/would be better for Palestinians under the Dems? I’ve asked this question so many times and have never gotten an answer that wasn’t just vague abstract BS like “but Trump said”.
There was still a Palestine. It's really not that complex. There is a clear difference.
Both sides were pro-genocide, you need a multi-party system
I for one would love for him to go to Gaza.
We do. But until then, everything they say stands.
Voting the red and blue parties wouldn't have save it either. It's time you accept the reality that the government is rigged. Making the good and best possible decision and not the "lesser evil" or other bullshit propaganda tells you is what you are supposed to do.
The best choice to save palestinian people is to do everything in power against the red and blue party.
If you think Kamala Harris would have gone on the news with Netenyahu and said she was going to use the AMERICAN MILITARY TO TAKE GAZA,
That's what they did. They went on the news shaking hands with Netanyahu and israel leveled gaza with the full support of usa
When presented with a tough choice, you make it and deal with the circumstances. Sitting it out was a choice. They get to deal with the consequences.
I don't disagree they're not on our side, I just think they'd have been much less likely to plunge the country into a fascist hellscape and persecute the people I care about.
That may be the dumbest analogy I've ever seen.
Actually, I just read one of your other comments, and you know what’s extra bullshit? The fact that you’re telling people you’re not even American, but you’re still trying to justify why people shouldn’t have voted for Harris.
What the american government does has repercussion all over the world.
You made a fucking choice. Take some responsibility for it
Sitting out was a choice as so was voting for murderers with blood on their hands. If you always make the good choice you will have no regrets because that is what you are supposed to do.
Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn’t vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this.
Don't try to spin logic. The red and blue party were both and has always been unified in supporting the fascist israel government in getting rid of gaza. People who chose not to play the rigged show the US government put up with elections is doing way less harm to humanity than the ones actively voting and supporting murderers.
Correct. If you didn’t vote then you are spineless, a coward and lack any morals.
Not correct, if you didn't vote you didn't vote period.
People saying and persuading others to vote for murderers with blood on their hands are much bigger spineless coward with no morals.
Imagine saying that with a straight face with one side has just declared they want to very actively partake in the genocide and just do the job themselves.
This is like saying giving a murderer a knife is the same as going in with a machine gun yourself.