In shock announcement, Trump says U.S. wants to take over Gaza Strip
List the ways in which Democrats actively supported genocide. Go ahead.
Genocide Joe
And you have dismissed yourself from the conversation of adults. Thanks for that.
Y'all keep screaming about how he's Genocide Joe for sending bombs to Israel. It just demonstrates how much Propaganda you've eaten for breakfast. Biden had no choice. Congress approved the weapons transfer. When Trump tried to stop military support to Ukraine, he was impeached. Apparently you didn't bother to pick that up on your quest for screaming into the void.
Try actually educating yourself on how politics works instead of focusing on politically charged TikToks that are just angry about the situation. You haven't learned anything. You've just absorbed propaganda.
Understandable, it just seems like a wider sentiment based on my limited exposure to this topic.
Did you do anything to stop the violent ego maniac in the White House? No? Then you've cooperated with him.
Funny to see them cry over 3rd party that at least showed up and helped dems get seats, instead of the people who didn’t come out to vote because the DNC can’t energise anyone saying the same nothing will change bullshit
I think you mean if people understood inflation was caused by the pandemic and Trumps monetary policy we wouldn't be here.
The number one factor in the election was the economy. Sadly, regarding Palestine, I think democrats would loss as many votes as they gained by taking a harder stance.
Biden had as much choice as Trump does now - that is to say, if he or any other Democrat actually didn't want the genocide to continue they could have taken a page from the Republican handbook and bent the government to their purpose. There is, and never was, any will to do that. There is ALWAYS a choice - people like you who keep whining "Oh noooo the Dems had no chooiiiice, they have no blame in thiiiiis ;__;" are a huge part of the reason why things have gotten as bad as they have. Fuck you. (and, before you accuse me of ~nOt DoInG mY pArT~ by voting Blue, I damn well did vote for Harris)
I wasn't going to accuse you of not doing your part. I was going to accuse you of being uneducated, like everyone else. You are basically saying to beat fascism you need to use fascism and like... nah. Let's not go about that, thanks.
As if you could tell who is part of that "single issue" crowd when fighting. You're so caught up mad at a very very small minority who protest voted when you should be mad that we were even given such a shit choice in the first place. It's time for action. Not for crying about people who would not have made a difference in the election. Joe had no chance of winning. Kamala maybe could have had one had she differentiated her campaign and wasn't just Joe 2.0
I don't think you understand. Harris wasn't "exciting" enough, so of course they had to stay home and not vote!
we were even given such a shit choice in the first place
This is a very important point. The Dems crowned not one, but two weak candidates and refused to change in any way that might have appealed to the voters they lost. The worst part is that they knew Biden's presidency was unpopular and might cost them at the polls but were steadfast in their refusal to change in any meaningful way.
The contradiction between blaming voting blocs and then blaming rampant patriotism is not even remotely unironic.
That's a weird way of spelling "the center of the sun" but ok
And you keep giving me nothing concrete. It doesn't matter what they say if what they do is the same. Gaza was already being stripped of Palestinians. You still have not made it clear how this is actually worse for Palestinians.
I am actively looking to join one as soon as there is momentum, because I am certainly not the right candidate for leading a political movement, nor do I think I'm a great fit to generate that early momentum.
But no matter what, I don't think the group sentiment should be "give me a perfect candidate, or I'm helping the Nazis" That seems like a foundational issue that needs to be corrected, don't let perfect be the enemy of good. And relatively speaking, the "good" choice was simply not being Nazis.
Adapt to the situation, and as part of the progress maybe we can adopt a better voting system that doesn't force you to make one of 2 choices for high level government positions. But don't delude yourself into thinking there was any other option. Our choices were genocide, or more genocide, and voters that didn't want the genocide candidate ironically helped the more genocide candidate. They should regret that.
Because it means we haven’t been completely been written off yet, public pressure could improve things.
Public pressure has been around for decades, and the democrats were still supplying them with weapons.
So you’d want the person who controls your fate to at least pretend to have empathy, not the maniac who used ‘Palestinian’ as a slur.
Two people stomp on you. One says "I want the violence to stop", the other calls you a slur. They are both still stomping on you. There is no real difference to the person being stomped.
There was still a Palestine. Now there won’t be. It’s really not that complex. There is a clear difference.
Go look at maps of Palestine over the decades, please. Palestine was already being erased. This is like if we clean up the entire room together but then I let you put the broom away, and now you claim you were the one to clean the entire room. Just because Reps are the ones finishing the job does not mean the Dems were better - we know they were not because we just saw them actively supporting the genocide.
Something that's really frustrating to me is that it's often deemed "not allowed" to point out that the Democrats (and Biden in particular) are trash fires that are hugely culpable for the situation we're in now (that is, embracing fascism) because people assume that holding Democrats and the DNC responsible is incompatible with "voting blue." I think the "undecided" movement during the primaries was great and probably a big part of why Biden was shuffled off of the ticket; it may have forced the DNC to do the bare minimum in fighting Trump by putting a (more) viable candidate on the ballot. I voted for Harris - unfortunately "Just vote!" didn't work
WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically
The scope of this statement is a shock, but the motivation that led to it, isn't. That said, I hate everything about this.
I'm not the first to bring this up, but it bears repeating. This is colonialism, plain and simple. That, in turn, is an outcome of unchecked capitalism. Practiced ideologically (i.e. as the guiding light in one's life), it holds up "exploitation at all costs" as a virtue. Second to that is "give your competition no quarter." Combined, that explains the current state of affairs.
We all may be used to thinking of colonialism as some thing that ended on one more more independence days in the last 300 years or so. In reality, the engines of commerce and industry that made that happen kept right on running. Since nation-state-sized real-estate deals like this don't come along very often anymore, these animals are quick to react and pounce before someone else figures out how to exploit the situation.
As an aside: the attitudes and values that enabled things like the US westward expansion, slavery, classism, eradication of indigenous peoples, environmental destruction in the pursuit of minerals, pollution and litter from energy extraction, etc., are still alive and well in the population. Being this kind of evil is insanely profitable under the right conditions, which confers an outsized advantage to reproduction and social influence. Which is to say that it's not the ideology of capitalism that propels these values to stay with us, but rather the other way around. It's as though those colonists with exploitation in their hearts are still very much with us, and that's something to keep an eye on.
Bonus fact: George Washington had a grandson that died in 2019. To put it another way: there was at least one US citizen alive in the 21st century whose grandparents owned slaves. We're really not that far removed from the bad old days - not by a longshot.
Stop focusing on what was/could have been. Focus on what is/can be. A house divided refers to self before all.
Hah, that's fair enough. I guess I'm just so frustrated at seeing Republicans repeatedly get their way by acting outside of the law that I want people who actually care about human rights and justice to do the same thing