In shock announcement, Trump says U.S. wants to take over Gaza Strip
When the Ottomans Ruled the area Gaza was primarily a resort town.
Abstaining affects the outcome as much as voting does.
I mostly agree.
Also, I live in the US.
Is it really a shocker he said this?
It literally does. Your reading comprehension skills are not my problem.
Yeah, and quick thing, but how do we go about getting rid of those they again?
Oh yeah....
By being an educated voter.
I can be angry at 'them' all I want. I am. But I can be equally as frustrated with the infinite amount of fools who buy into that propaganda and think nothing more of it. I am not going to remove blame from idiots simply because they were swayed by propaganda from one side. They are still idiots who didn't educate themselves, didn't go further in and entrenched themselves in stupidity. Never thinking for themselves.
I am done with this circular logic of "No, don't blame the people who aren't doing the literal ONE FUCKING THING that they have within their power to do! Blame someone else!" Equally as done with this conversation.
As much? Are you sure about that?
It's not my reading comprehension that's at issue here, it's your abilities with basic logic.
And we have reached the root of the issue I was describing. Yes, democrats aren't perfect, rather it's accurate to say they are awful. But you seem to actively be dodging the point that they are better than the alternative whether you like them or not.
As for reflecting on what we can do to stop them, I would say that we could start by not dissuading voters, and instead encourage them to vote every time, especially in primaries, so that a more preferable candidate can be had. In this election, that wouldn't have done jack shit, but maybe it could have replaced Biden in the previous election. And maybe if you want to tackle the core problems with the DNC, we will have to elect candidates campaigning on doing so within lower levels of government, which will require us to encourage voters, not dissuade them.
Getting mad because people point out that your impotent rage isnt a solution, and instead gets in the way of a solution, also isn't a solution. What ideas do you have?
I'm pretty sure they mean half as much.
I mean this with all sincerity: fuck off.
Same to you you annoying whiny git.
That doesn't keep me from having the ability, nor seeing the need for, needling people who thought that this would be better for Gaza than what Harris wanted.
Except you're not doing that, you're just being annoying and pissing off people that fucking voted for Harris for no god damn reason. The election is over, Harris lost, and now we need to deal with fucking Cheeto Mussolini and instead of doing something useful you're spending every opportunity to bitch and moan about how everyone is getting what they deserve now. At this point I'm just going to stop reading the comments of any post about Palestine because the comment sections are all just cesspools of people wanking off about how right they were this entire time.
Harris never should have backed Israel and it along with all the other idiotic policies she pushed cost her the election just like everyone said it would. People were begging her to run on better policies and instead her campaign was "vote for me or else" which failed to convince enough people. It sucks and now we're all suffering because of it, but as much as it's the fault of the people that didn't vote for her it's even more her and the DNC's fault for running a crap campaign. It is literally a politician's job to convince people to vote for them, and Harris failed at her job.
As an American... that dumbass doesn't speak for me. I sure as fuck didn't vote for him. I'm unfortunately stuck with him. But I have no want to take over any land... anywhere. Trump should man up, take ownership, and say HE wants to take over Gaza strip, Panama, Canada,... Earth.
I think that's what he's going to do?
Trump is gonna pretend like he meant forcing the Saudi/Qatar proposal that the Biden administration was attempting to negotiate and people will call him genius.
Don’t try to spin logic.
Some very strong pot kettle black energy here.
Abstentionists be like "we did it! we saved Gaza!"
Abstentionists are dumbasses.
I feel like he’s just doing shit to see how far he can get away with at this point. Or maybe this is ten dementia talking it’s insane
Not voting for him is one thing, but also being eligible to vote and not voting for Kamala makes one an accomplice too. Even voting for a third party doesn't count, because that took away votes that could have gone towards the one contender.
And here the mask comes off as you make yourself indistinguishable from every other Trump supporter.