Netanyahu Gifts Trump Golden Pager to Commemorate Attack That Killed Children: 'That Was a Great Operation'
Like matching serial numbers
Imagine the outrage if a world leader gifted another leader a golden model airplane after 9/11.
I wouldn't call it positive, but it is very successful.
Does it come preloaded with C4 or is Trump expected to add that herself?
I was thinking the Onion is trying to be creative but damn reality is worse than fiction can be.
There they go, best buds, genocide bibi and ethnic cleansing don.
Back in the 1930s the BBC was instrumental in fighting fascism, but today's news cycle only knows how to trivialize and normalize the downfall.
All I want to do is just a string of expletives at full fucking shout for a few hours, this is beyond insanity. Am I just in a decade long coma and this is all paranoia running wild in my brain? It would make more sense than.... this.
"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!"
That's fucking macabre... And since it's from Israel, there's probably a bug in the pager too...
One day, decades from now, people will read about these men in the same way we read about Mussolini and Hitler. They'll be reading with bated breath about the atrocities they committed and we'll be asked by our grandchildren how was it possible to even happen. Hopefully they'll live in a world where none of this would be possible and they won't comprehend the evil and cruelty that we got to witness, they won't be able to understand how so many millions cheered for these monsters.
Come to think of it, I don't understand why so many millions cheer for them today. -
IF they had verified each individual target before detonating it could have been the single operation with the highest success rate for hitting actual militants and the lowest civillian casualties out of everything Israel has done lately, but instead they just detonated like a thousand pagers and pissed off Lebanon immediately after a US Diplomat came by to criticize them for escalating tensions in Lebanon.
Actually, it still might be. Pretty low bar.
I wonder if Trump's Gold Apollo will blow up, too.
It's almost as if there should be 3-4 parties because not everyone in one party is going to agree about everything else that others in that party agree with if it's supposed to represent 50+ percent of the population.
Brb, programing an autodialer.
Terrorism twins
C'mon man, there weren't even enough green votes to pretend they mattered
I suggest you get over your surprise oon and focus on what you can do, it's not about to get any better anytime soon at this rate.
Great, I mean you guys keep saying this. I’ve been hearing it from Americans for decades. Maybe that’s the problem, you guys always have this defeatist attitude like “well if the system was better” well it isn’t, so work within it, or you personally get out there and work to change it. Otherwise there’s nothing you can really do but complain.
You don’t get to just complain online about a lack of change, you actually have to go out there and help in some way physically -
One can hope