Watch out for proton phishing emails
Wondering if someone somehow linked your Gmail (email you received this on) to their proton account. I was looking for an email you could forward this to to report it to proton but could not find one.
As always, if an email looks suspect, don't click anything. Just wish there was a way to report it.
Yes this is the mail app in ios
Oh, really? This one didn’t have any badge at all. I’m confused.
To clarify, they have a badge in the proton client you’re in the ios mail app. Everything I can tell from this email makes it seem legit, this may be a false positive on you’re end ‘mfraid.
Ah okay, yes the official one does. Yes, I think its a false positive… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i linked up my Gmail anf proton. so my gmail stuff gets forwarded to proton with a specific tag
You sneaky boi
is [email protected] legit? i got an email like that
If you have been inactive on all Proton services for one year, we will give you advance notice 30 days, 15 days, and 7 days before your account is deleted.