Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month
10 out of 10
By Grabthar's hammer...
Next thing you know Facebook is going to get rid of Daughter's Day!
Wow Google's licking boot like there's no tomorrow.
Fucking shameful.
Tutanota is a common recommended alternative, (which is now just called "Tuta").
Tutanota, as specified in my initial reply
I can't think of a fully independent one.
Wallets mean nothing to people and corps with more money than the rest of humanity combined.
The people calling the shots need to be..
Uh...You live by the sword you die by the sword.
I can't say if it was bad sarcasm or plain stupidity, but I for one understood and totally agree with your first statement.
They also removed Holocaust Remembrance Day. Probably because it's going to have to be renamed Holocaust I soon.
I have had reasonable experiences with startpage as a search engine.
DDG uses Bing primarily.
Yeah, it's essentially a weathervane or thermometer. You can indicate the state of a country by it.
At this point the US has joined the ranks of, well, grim theocracies. Not that the people at the top in the US worship anything but Mammon.