European Comission Petition: Ban Gay Conversion "Therapy"
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Offtopic: I think this was the first time I actually used my eID I activated two years ago to log in to anything (#Neuland). Had to look up the PIN, but other than that it worked nicely.
When I moved last year, I used it to register my new address. It was the worst experience with any IT system I've ever had in my life. It was still better than waiting 3 months for an appointment and waiting another 2 hours in the citizen office.
I knew you're german only from that described experience.
Only if you live in a dysfunctional shit part.
Here you can register your new residence walk-In.
No appointment needed -
I live in a Großstadt but a functional one.
Thanks for the Mansplaining though -
What the guck is wrong with you now?
So you get all worked up about me making a joke about something that is a common german experience (i.e. many but not all germans experience this) and then you think I'm ”mansplaining“, obviously not knowing what that means. Get the fuck out.
Hey you get worked up about something I've edited out 30 seconds after posting a second time.
But you do you
And blocked.
Bikes exist. Also that's all not a function of municipality size but density, you can have very urban 20k or 20k that are spread out worse than Reitbrook. Big city life, right there.
Keep yourself clean. Keep your room/apartment/house clean. Look happy.
People tell me this why they assume I'm gay.
There is no need for an explicit ban, as such dehumanising and abusive nonsense should already violate a dozen existing laws in any country that respects human rights.
I have read the Privacy statement and the content of this citizens’ initiative.
When I click on the "citizens' initiative" link it's a dead 404 link.