Got myself some energy monitoring Zigbee plugs and made an interesting discovery
Yeah, anything Zigbee needs a hub of some sort that interfaces with the server. Zigbee is a mesh-lioe network of its own - it doesn't use wifi or Bluetooth or anything.
I bought Nabu Casa's Connect ZBT-1 dongle; it's like $35 and plugs directly into the HA server. Super simple to configure as well, since HAOS detects it automatically. Plus, the smart plugs act as routers, so as long as the devices can see each other all the way to the dongle on the server, you shouldn't need anything else.
Yeah... I know.
Is your GPU reducing the VRAM frequency when it's idle?
If the vertical timing is different between the monitors, the VRAM will have to run at maximum speed all the time and that can add 20 watts or more to your idle power consumption.
The PC was drawing ~90W. All solid state, no spinning rust. Lots of fans though, since it's air-cooled. Not entirely sure what was causing the draw, but it's definitely something I want to investigate at some point.
No idea, honestly, it's just the default settings. I haven't really had any time to tinker and optimize it to my liking for a while.
Very cool! However, my house is a rental, so any monitoring equipment has to be somewhat non-invasive.
No idea. I would imagine it does, but that's something I'll need to check.
I'm in a rental too. It's non-invasive; just gotta pop the panel cover off, clip the transformers over the wires without disconnecting them, and put the cover back. It can all be removed just as easily.
I use Kasm for remote access, I believe that has a WOL component as well. I haven't set it up as such, but I plan to later on.
Definitely gonna check that out.
Laptops are pretty good at that I run a few 7th and 8th gen 35W mini PCs in my server cluster (i7-7700T/i7-8700T), so hopefully that helps.
Most ISP routers have sane default settings and block all incoming traffic, you don't even reach their log in interface. If they are somewhat updated you'll be fine in most cases.
You can also test if multiple monitors is having an effect.
Using sleep mode is a good idea anyways, regardless of idle draw.
I see your 4-bay docking station and raise my 20-bay storage server. I even stopped counting how much the hardware costs for it
wtf is that
But I agree, random hardware in your LAN is more of a security threat than anything coming from outside in many cases.
Without space between the contents, though, they freeze in phases and it affects how they come out. Watch our or just keep air gaps.
Evaporative clay-pot coolers are also top-load for efficiency.
Yeah. I got a pro managing it.
That's the best part. It's not in the kitchen. My room is on the complete opposite side of the house. Literally the furthest room from the kitchen.
Whatever drunk moron wired the house back in the 70s did so in such a confusing manner that electricians give us the "fuck no I'm not fixing that" price when we ask them what it would cost to sort out our completely nonsensical wiring. I think the last guy we talked to quoted us 30k and he pretty much flat out told us nobody will ever want to unfuck our house.
Uh oh. Red flag.
gotta pop the panel cover off,
This may be where the rental agreement is broken. Define 'pop' . Two hands and a tool? Clear it with the landlord first. The company running the 400-unit building where I am now is gonna say F No.