'Panic' in Ukraine as leaked confidential Trump peace plan astounds: report
The other option is to channel that hate into action.
This. The Dalai Lama is very quotable on this subject. One of my favourites is:
To be angry on behalf of those who are treated unjustly means that we have compassionate anger. This type of anger leads to right action, and leads to social change.
To be angry toward the people in power does not create change. It creates more anger, more resentment, more fighting.
There's more here:
I'm quite certain that this deal is intended to be unpalatable to Ukraine - it was cooked up by Trump and Putin after all.
Either way they win:
Ukraine takes the deal: they win; Ukraine says the deal is ridiculous and walks away: then Russia & Trump brand them as unrealistic agitants and delay for more favourable terms and extend the war.
Yes thats the one. I wasn't clear but you are right.
Playing the role of Nazi America.
Well, Europe needs to grow a pair and tell Trump to fuck off. We need to accept that he is leaving Nato, and European countries need to take it over or set up a new organisation. He can make any deal he likes with Russia; Europe and Ukraine can just tell him no and show him the true limits of his power. He cannot dictate to Europe and he is not our president.
Strange way for the US to concede their defeat. (One more!) But to each their own.
Trump did not get elected in 2020....he was elected 2016. Biden was elected 2020.
Have to correct because the craziest think he did win 2020.
USSR betrayed Poland, and conquered them in a nutshell
this deal is intended to be unpalatable to Ukraine
Oh, I get that. Still pretty stupid.
Trump is scum, one of the biggest on earth same as his russian counterpart. Claiming the ceo of USA is a puppet of a country 10 times weaker is ignoring the scale and capabilities of US government military.
This is definitely our punishment for elevating sociopathy to celebrity, rather than chasing it out into the dark woods with pointy sticks.
Oh yeah, you are correct. I'll fix it.
Thank you for specifying the State religion of evangelical "Supply Side Jesus" as its own evil cult, and not alienating the rest of us who stand with you.
There's a lot of Christians here, myself included, horrified by every second of this, watching people calling themselves "christians" give themselves over willingly to corruption and sheer evil at an alarming rate.
Of course we're silenced on many fronts: Most of the money for churches comes from powerful americultist organizations and donors, who are obviously in the angry orange baby Hitler's pocket, and they're seeding such hateful polarization that even leftists are turning on us and discounting us outright.
We're not as loud, well-funded, or numerous as the cult of hatred and warmongering and greed. But we know that the Jesus of the Gospel who commanded us to "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is not the Jesus of the State, and to throw one's lot in with these politicians is to deliberately side with the legions of Hell.
Ooof. That's heartbreaking, I'm so sorry.
I grew up Christian, and denounced it all at age 15 for atheism. Later, I ended up becoming very spiritual (but not religious, more like Taoist/Buddhist). That's when I started to realize there are nuances like this.
Admittedly, I almost did write down Christian, but I changed it 'cause of exactly what you say. It isn't fair to the actual Christ-like that exist out there, and it's not only Christian denominations behaving this way.
It sucks that religion in general is being used by the vile controllers to manipulate, and I wish there were more folks like you that actually questioned things and lifted the veil for themselves. Seems to me that, at least southern baptists, are practically trained to never question authority and always take information at face value if the person giving that information simply claims they are Christian. Same people believe that you should keep sex and drug information from your children, instead of preparing them for the good and bad of each they may encounter in the world.
I am heartbroken and ashamed at how many people I once thought good and decent, who have fallen for this lie and follow such a disgraceful monster.
Yea... it especially sucks when its your parents. We used to do fun things together, now I have to hide everything about who I am.
We absolutely had a choice
The percent of US Christians and veterans who picked Cheeto exceed 60% both groups should properly classed as nazis and traitors.
I mean, you could argue they're more like Fascist Italy. The parallel with Germany is mainly that they're already a great power.
In Canada, the public discourse has finally caught up with this. We'll see how long Europe takes to get past the denial stage.