For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis
People who self-identify as Nazis, as well as those knowingly in neo-Nazi organizations, are therefore perfectly valid targets of assassination. Historically, such people are seen as national heroes, so don't give me that 'winning people over to your side of history' junk.
When it is strategically effective to shoot a Nazi, and it often is, then I advocate you do so without hesitation. Where it is not strategically effective, I advocate the myriad of nonviolent techniques put in use by antifascists. These are preferred, not because of some silly claims that Nazis should not be harmed, but because they're safer and more sustainable than individual actions.
Listen closely to what a Nazi wants, yes even the 'cosplay Nazis', and think about whether their life is more important than stopping their goal of mass extermination.
Something about Luigi?
There is a conversion of Wolfenstein 3D for the ZDOOM. Best way to play the game if you want mouselook and other nice things.
It has become a culture classic though, one of those games that become more liked as time goes on.
Yep, and doing it in the coolest, funniest ways possible. And doing shit with the bodies like throwing them off high places, shoving them into fireplaces, and gleefully smashing their dead faces.
Sure I can believe that
In a somewhat similar vein, the remakes of both Halo: Combat Evolved and Bioshock modernized the lighting and in so doing completely destroyed the atmosphere.
There is a high resolution patch as well.
That would be "safety". Just to be clear. And we do condone the harming and killing of those who mean to harm or kill us. Self defense laws, castle doctrine, capital punishment, etc.
You can tell how fucked things are when this post might upset some “normal” people
By definition a legal framework is not a social contract. Technically there IS a social contract that we will agree to follow the laws, but not everyone does that one either. We violate speed limits, download media, burn crosses in front yards.
There are also many cases where laws do not cover the violations of a social contract. Slurs are protected speech under most circumstances, but that does not mean that there are no consequences to utilizing them in your vocabulary in public. You will never go to jail for it, but in using them you violate a social contract of tolerance, and thus the members of society around you should not tolerate your presence. If you pull a gun while using those slurs, that is a clear indicator that you intend harm, specifically on the people to whom the slurs refer. This violates the social contract of safety, which means that you are open to being harmed yourself by the members of the contract around you. They protect the safety of the members by preventing you from harming them. It is actually covered in the US laws and has been condoned by society. The "murder is wrong" tautology fails very quickly in the face of reality. Is it OK to kill someone who is actively raping an infant? How about if they have a knife to your partner's or child's throat? What about if they point a loaded gun at a crowd of unarmed protestors and are not a legally recognized peace officer? Your moral code determines where that line is, but everyone has a line. Do you condone Israel's actions against the Palestinians? Let's go for the good ole trolley problem. Do you pull the lever? Is that OK?
And this is the crux of the statement. Social contracts are group moral codes. The Nazis do not adhere to the terms of the contracts and thus are not protected by them.
25 Nazis seething so far