Canada 'will stand up to a bully', says Mark Carney
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This is a workable method to deal with these four years, a clever leader deciding strategy suggested by very clever advisors can beat a strategy suggested by very clever advisors decided upon by an unclever leader.
Canadian oil would be hit with lower tariffs of 10%, which would take effect later, on 18 February.
Cool we could put 15% on oil going to US, help trump keep his promises.
Heard an old bitch (Alberta) complaining yesterday in my store about something Joe Biden did.
Screw 15%. Put it to 25% right now, and on 18 February Trump will have to choose between a 25% increase in oil prices or a 35% increase if he goes through with adding the 10% tariff.
Probably has more to do with her being in the pocket of the oil industry.
"Why don't you want to join the land of the free and home of the brave?"
Because of we have in to the pressure and joined, we would be neither.