French President Emmanuel Macron announces €100 billion investments in AI
My taxes at work to fund shitty generators. People around me will cheer for this since they are not working in the programming industry and don’t know how it’s yet another way to lower the quality of all that we’ve done so far. We’re fucked.
People around me will cheer for this since they are not working in the programming industry
I don't know how you can say this when programming is one of the best uses for AI
Ah yes, politics as a driving force for technological innovation. This time it'll work.
I think the saddest thing here is that Europe has no capital markets union where it's own private companies should be putting this money in
Europe will always be behind while it's more difficult to raise funds and do business
This AI is just the latest thing, who knows what else Europe will soon fall behind in
Every time I try to use it it hallucinates bugs. It’s a waste of time for me.
Eh, copilot is still more miss than hit whenever I use it. It's probably equally dogshit for other uses as well unless your goal is to just generate bullshit and you need to hit a specific word count.
Heh for me even the newest models like the new Claude are only really useful when I did the thinking and the initial code writing, and i ask it to simplify it or to make it use more efficient libraries/features. Because when asking it to do my work it produces shit, and im very junior level
That, I think, is a symptom not a cause.
The cause is societal: the EU thinks that innovation should come top down. By giving established corporations subsidies, and a large administration that steers them every step of the way. To make sure they do nothing out of the ordinary.
That works if you want to improve car crash safety by 5%. But, ofcourse, that doesn't work for true, novel ideas.
And it's not solely a "bad politicians" problem. A majority of Europeans are simply afraid of change, want their 9-to-5 job to look exactly the same for their whole life. The elected reflect their electorate.
Too bad the world changes regardless of you participating.
Investors will pump 109 billion euros into artificial intelligence (AI) projects in France in the coming years,
It will be private investment, venture capitalists, that provide the money and extract the data and wealth. All Macron is doing is giving it the official seal of approval from the government. He might relax some rules and make it easier to invest but your tax Euros are safe.
yeah it's definitely an assistant not a cheap developer... or is it
Devin just came to take your software job… will code for $8/hr -
And on what EU hardware it will run?
What models were you using ? If you say co-pilot or chatgpt I'm gonna hang up the phone
~In terms of actual chips probably nvidia~
As a senior dev, I have no use for it in my workflow. The only purpose it would serve for me is to reduce the amount of typing I do. I spend about 5-10% of my time actually writing code. The rest of my dev time is spent in architecting, debugging, testing, or documenting. LLMs aren't really good at most of those things once you move past the most superficial levels of complexity. Besides, I don't actually want something to reduce the amount I'm typing. If I'm typing too much and I'm getting annoyed then it's a sure sign that I've done something bad. If I'm writing boilerplate then it's time to write an abstraction to eliminate that. If I'm writing repetitive tests then it's a sign I need to move to a property based testing framework like Hypothesis. If the LLM spits all of this out for me, I will end up writing code that is harder to understand and maintain.
LLMs are fine for learning and junior positions where you'll have more experienced folks reviewing code, but it just is not that helpful past a certain point.
Also, this is probably a small thing, but I have yet to find an LLM that writes anything other than shitty, terrible shell scripts. Please for the love of God don't use an LLM to write shell scripts. If you must, then please pass the results through shellcheck and fix all of the issues there.
Macron, you stupid slut, there's been nothing but news for the past month about how cheap you build a competitor to the former top models.
there's nothing to suggest that building a cheaper model that's not as good as the top AI models is the best way to build AI models, cheaper yes, but Deepseek isn't the best AI model out there
A better way would be to combine the Deepseek training optimisations with raw power of Americas/nvidias hardware
We're still at an early stage with AI, there's nothing to suggest we're anywhere near the end of Jevons paradox
I've seen it mainly used to assist with python scripts which work well
The cause is societal: the EU thinks that innovation should come top down. By giving established corporations subsidies, and a large administration that steers everyone every step of the way. To make sure nobody does anything out of the ordinary.
The EU doesn't think. A cell of the organism doesn't think in organ matters, an organ doesn't think in cell matters.
The EU is just built this way, it's a union of national governments against anything too mobile or evolutionary in their populations. It's a confederation designed so that there'll never be a federation of the same countries. Evolutionary mechanisms devour bureaucracies. But bureaucracies can strangle them.
Yep, and that's a biggly problem. If EU AI becomes a threat (or perceived threat) to US economic and other interests (and especially when orange is in charge), they would slap tariffs at those at least. If not forbid export.
See that bandwagon over there, I am going to jump on it.
But everyone already is on it.