Mexican president reveals U.S. concession Trump failed to mention as tariffs paused
Except the US would giving up the current source of slave labor by stopping the war on drugs.
Trump emerges from this fiasco looking like the bitch that he is.
Facts are just there to prove people wrong
It's just impolite
This is what I fucking said Trudeau should do.
The majority of illegal immigrants comes over legally through ports of entry and just out stay their visas. Mexico is laughing as the pretend to send 10,000 troops to boarder to watch dirt.
April 12, 2021:
According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Mexico will maintain a deployment of about 10,000 troops...
Mexico announced in March that it was deploying National Guard members and immigration agents to its southern border, and it has maintained more personnel at its southern border since Trump threatened tariffs on Mexican imports in 2019.
Unless someone can find a source that states that Mexico ever withdrew their 10k troops during the last 3 years... yeah, they already had 10k troops on their southern border, they've... just been redeployed to their northern border.
As is tradition, your mistake is in assuming he actually wants to help anyone
Almost nothing of the US fentanyl gets in through Mexico...
to watch dirt
Nah. Those people will have a lot to do stopping weapons smuggling into Mexico.
The weapons are purchased legally by Americans and simply driven over. Also through legal ports of entry. It's not this complicated process.
Where do you get yours from.
Isn't this mostly just for show for his base anyway? "See! I'm doing what I said I'd do!"
Good for use as a talking point in the next round of nonsense that will start in a few weeks but impossible in practice. The US has been worshipping guns as a religion for 200 years and the Canada-US border has been perforated consistently by smugglers that whole time.