Reddit is purging NSFW subs as well as trans-related subreddits
I agree, but with “last social media” he was referring to Reddit…
Oh. Yeah. Maybe he just meant “last” as in the one prior and not last as in final? Idk.
/r/rule34 is banned, meanwhile /r/guro is still up. Wtf is wrong with reddit? That's the one sub I actually think should be banned, why ban the rule34?
I wasn’t super active (I created my account when they banned third party apps but the content wasn’t there yet).
In my experience it is better to segregate NSFW and SFW accounts. Not because it is shameful and I don't want people seeing, but because NSFW floods feeds and I can't get anything done when encumbered by pretty naked women. lol
How about neither of them should be banned. Fuck this puritan BS
The kind where they were getting ready to do it, and then pulled the trigger early
I’d stopped using the platform a while ago and went full Lemmy, but this was the push I needed to delete that shit out of my life. Just need to figure out Google and Apple next, they’ve got me by the balls with those services!
Now they say it was a bug? How that works?
The reaction was the bug.
Fine, I'll get an NSFW alt...
Do you know what /r/guro is? It's sexualized gore.
Maybe testing the waters. Next time it will be a bug so severe that they can't bring them back, but making new ones isn't allowed either.
Knowing current Reddit, that's quite possible. Though I'd love to see a migration through LemmyNSFW if that happens again permanently.
Ah the tumblr guide for how to kill your community.
Jokes aside that's very sad and very worrying.
How is nsfw Lemmy doing for hosting costs? Seems like it would be expensive to maintain all the images.
And it's pretty wild when trying to scroll anything in public or with people nearby.
LTT had a few videos on degoogling your life. Provides some alternatives to each service.
This is the opportunity the Fediverse was waiting for.
Just like reddit it mostly doesn't host the images itself, but simply links to them. Redgif seems to be the host of choice for most, although some also use catbox.