Reddit is purging NSFW subs as well as trans-related subreddits
It’s exactly what Elon did with banning people on Twitter.
Remember during next pride month, when they change their X picture on western accounts, that at the end of the day most companies will kill without discrimination for a fiver.
they're also targeting those with anti Fascist opinions and eliminating them from the site. by reporting them for hate speech and anti anything they can come up with.
They get all the nsfw traffic for the full quarter, and use that for their earnings report. Pretty damn dishonest.
Kinky people are still going to be kinky even if they can't post about it on Reddit. Here's to hoping lemmyNSFW gets some of those "niche subs".
I feel like this is the perfect time for the return of a certain Fawkcian group.
Like Facebook?
reddit suicide?
I agree with you. Just checked that subreddit out. Seems like the perfect place for necrophiles. That is just disgusting to look at.
My previous 15yo account was banned with no warning for saying Palestinians have a right to defend themselves at any cost. I never had so much as a post removed or warning from admins. And it left my largest subs unmoderated and now they returned to shit
They want corporate social media
Huh? I follow your point about people and their inertia. But I don’t follow this part.
What turns people off about Lemmy is the complexity of instances and federation and clients. Please nobody lecture me here - I’m active on Lemmy and moderate some subs, but we’re talking about your uncle Bob and his level of ordinary people. We should not forget that these people scrunched up their faces at Twitter itself for years and said ”but what is it?” Only in the fullness of time did it permeate our entire society.
If by “corporate social media” you mean “free, simple, high quality UX, and high popularity” then I agree with you. But it’s the simplicity and popularity that count, not the corporateness.
Wow... Do everything is aligned... are there USA laws pushing this or something? What a pieces of shit
No I can’t
If I had to guess, they are testing the ability to switch these off in anticipation of more Trumpian laws being passed
Just checked and all these supposedly "banned" subs are up and running.
Sounds like a "you" problem.
The last big tech Social Network
Yes it's awesome and sexy. Don't be a weenie.
Purging NSFW subs from Reddit? Will there even be anything left? lol
My thought exactly. Apparently people are using that stinky site for something that's not just porn?