This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone.
I got it on a Pixel 7, but I uninstalled it because I'm not trying to have Google spy on me for yet another reason.
Basically oscillating the tool up and down while rotating the workpiece back and forth, while spinning the tool very, very slowly.
Literally my phone just now
They have been moving things to apps so they can substitute piecemeal the open source OS with their close sources: article is from 2018. It has only gotten worse.
Have to be honest first Android lost my support when they did their best kill Micro SD cards then they decided to make connecting mtp only which absolutely ruined using a cable to transfer anything then came the head phone jack being removes.
The final nail on the coffin was scoped storage which made things so much slower it seemed absolutely ridiculous and also stopped you from being able too N files with the app you might have wanted.
At this point I'm kind of hoping something like Tizen or even Harmony Os takes over.
I suppose but the other side is OEMs abandoning still functional hardware
The technician test is pretty easy if you remember some stuff from physics and you study. (you don't need to make an account here to practice).
Wait how do I restrict apps' access to the inthernet what phone lets me do that
To be fair, I have a Turkish phone that I will need to "fix" if it lets me.
Right, because if that's what they wanted to do this is how they'd go about doing it rather than, let's say, using any one of the dozen or so Google-controlled device administrator apps already on your phone.
You can do that with GrapheneOS.
What about LineageOS?
If you root it, sure. Unfortunately lots of misguided fools on the internet, including Lineage's authors will try to convince it's not a good idea.
Totally, the real issue is people not having total control over their own devices.
Second Hamstudy app. Also it isnt super trivial but I heard there was a six year old that passed so YMMV
I found it a decent amount of work but nothing crazy. Join your local amateur radio club and they are usually awesome. -
Why you blaming the OS for manufacturers issues. There are still phones out there with microSD and 3.5mm. Probably also some with decent transfer stuff.
Funnily enough, even if another OS took over, it won't necessarily bring back all the features you want, since they are hardware based. And OS is software. -
Because these features where all there and worked perfectly before Google decided to kill them.
Google doesn't tell the manufacturers what hardware to include/remove stop yelling at clouds
Google absolutely did gimp Micro SD cards even the phones that have them still you can't hot swap them because it gets merged with the primary storage instead.
Pretty obvious Google did this tos sell their cloud storage when before you could switch cards at will easily.
gimp these