Elon Musk’s X blocks links to Signal, the encrypted messaging service
It's more private and secure, and it's easier to use/recommend.
Matrix stores all metadata, and most all of it makes it's way to the matrix.org (default instance) server and is subject to dragnet subpoenas. It's also complicated to use, incredibly slow, and resource-intensive.
You don't find iinformation, you find hot takes. Xitter is a cesspool if you want to learn about anything.
I think SimpleX is the currently the best chat app, with potential to be much more.
Hey, that's only for billionaires.
Oddly, many reporters still do
They literally couldn't give away your communications if they wanted to, everyone who disagrees with the way things are going should be using it.
Free speech absolution guy who promotrd Signal not that long ago, only likes free speech (and most likely only signal) for me but not for thee
And a bunch of them are on mastodon
They fear open source software because it is the only thing that threatens their techfascist hegemony.
This only further proves that we are investing in platforms that are chipping away at them.
So, basically, you can be 100% sure that he has the ability to read your messages on other platforms.
You sound like the type of guy who drives a cybertruck and practices Elons "odd hand gesture" in your bedroom at night.
Look at the date, lmao.
Lol, Alex Jones style research. Using memes and headlines as news.
Sounds like you're about to lose your farm
It is a matter time before they try to get it banned.
The first step would probably be to try and revoke their tax exempt non profit status. But I'm confident the Signal Foundation would at that point just move to another jurisdiction. Maybe Canada, Switzerland or something like that.
Now if more is Americans would listen and move this platform.
Ahem excuse me you must mean the 51st state, or Switzerland, or something like that
Canada going to be 52nd state--after Greendland
(just kidding) -
That sounds more like free advertisement for Signal
"Our product is banned on twitter!"