What do you do when people don't care?
In the case of my mother, I instituted a no-politics rule in 2020. However, as of last week, I’m sending her accusatory emails about the various articles of his fucked up actions. I’ve decided that she is partially a bad person for having full info about who and what he is and chose not to know. I’m very angry and she’s going to keep hearing about it. The relationship might be over.
I know that doesn’t help your situation. I just needed to vent. As noted, I’m very angry. With her in particular. For choosing this again.
Counterpoint, I grew up in a smallish town in Idaho and was still absolutely surrounded by Democrats. State wide, only sixty percent of the voting age population actually turned out, and of those one out of every three people voted against Trump.
Hell, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in some countries and again, this is fucking Idaho.
This means that if you talk to an a Idahoan at random, there is a more than fifty percent chance they either largely already agree with you, or they are largely insulated from and not paying attention to politics and thusly susceptible to being swayed with the right approach and concrete examples of what Trumps doing to fuck them and their friends over specifically.
Left wing ideas and policy are still far more popular among the general public, which is why Republicans have to lie about them constantly.
Look for your local anarchist bookstore, look at what your counties Democrats actually organized, especially things like local pride events, show up, and network/make friends.
As is fun to note, there are more Democrats living in Texas than New York state, so the idea you should just give up on finding any around you because you live in a red state instead of one where the numbers are reversed is honestly rather absurd.
The Nazis started under MUCH different circumstances. Also constantly comparing everyone and everything to "Nazis" makes you sound hysterical.
Ah yes, mob "justice" always works so well.
Nobody is advocating for cross burning. People need to rise against the first steps of a totalitarian government that only serves the oligarchy.
Work in medical too, but work in the lower sections with the blue collar workers while living in the bible belt. They're all Trump fans and think this is all great.
The best advice I have is find your people, the ones you know who've been against this (not the non-voters, they folded to apathy, and will fold when the going gets tough) and start working on survival plans. Gardens, mutual aid, mutual defense, how to hide those in danger ESPECIALLY if you're the cishet white guy. Build the community as best you can.
This is not some big overall "Fight the bastions to overthrow" but right now as a regular schmuck in the middle of nowhere, right now this is what we have.
Great comment. Trump won and the amount of people here throwing the Nazi word around still don't realise how self defeating they are.
You can't tell someone their an idiot or evil and then expect them to see things your way, you're much more likely to end up entrenching their beliefs.
Engage, don't alienate, no matter how hard that feels at times.
The only thing one person can do is get armed, get trained, and get ready.
I had a conversation with my second grade teacher on Instagram the other day. I posted Matthew 25:35-40 on my story with the comment “I can’t believe so many Christians I know support a president and a government that would willingly and forcefully kick Jesus himself out of the country thousands of times.”
She replied saying that this verse doesn’t apply for the same reason that I don’t allow just anyone into my house: because there are people who shouldn’t be there. There’s just so many things wrong with her logic AND her premises that I barely knew where to start, and that’s part of the problem. Fascism works by sowing doubt in the fabric of credibility. All she really knows is that her idea of Jesus comforts her, and so finding comfort somewhere probably means she can find Jesus and righteousness there too. You can’t really teach someone to care because they probably already do care, but you have to teach them to see the things that are actually happening, to trust the real experts, and to see the connections between themselves and the people who need care.
Hitler also didn't happen overnight. We all look back in history and many ask "how could they not know what was happening" and "how could they not stop him". It's all happening in real time, and nobody gives a shit as long as they are not the danger group being put in the gas chambers.
It will only stop when millions are death in a decade or more. If it ever stops. Hitler didn't have the strongest military in the world and nuclear weapons to use willy nilly.
I'd add "get organized" to that list but you're on the money otherwise
Yeah, but what do you do when a good chunk of the population doesn't go 'seeking something out', yet vote and influence the lives of those who do anyway?
Yes but like exercise, intellectual exercise feels good too.
To help you finding an answer i'll return you the same question: why did you not care about US building concentration camps and following the fascist playbook until now?
Do you know that they didn't?
OP seem to be lamenting only about the "latest" US government policies.
Not sure if youre gonna get blasted when everyone else gets on later, but you're correct. The US has always done shit like this. Obama and Biden spoiled these people lol.
What a fucking stupid, useless reply.
I would say that the initial problem here, is that people give a single shit what a 2000+ year old, bronze-age sex manual, has to say about literally fucking anything.
What do you do when those people are your family?
Easier said than done (though recent events have made it a little easier).