UK citizens say it is more important to support Ukraine than to maintain good relations with US, survey shows
Idk why you think me of all people is gonna help you lol. I’m not trading places. No take backsies! Find a Farage supporter and ask them!
Happy to send you branstons pickle or Cadbury or something to ease your anxiety, though.
American here and I agree. Our government is a disaster right now so it's better to focus on something actionable, like defeating Putin.
Half of our military bases are occupied by the Americans and we need your permission to do anything.
With a little luck the orange shitler will withdraw troops from Europe (yeah, no, I don't dare to dream)
I'm worried about the 32% abstaining / having no opinion, though.
I mean yeah, makes sense. Russia is a direct threat to us all. Fuck the US if they think their egg prices are more important than European security and not having dictators have their ways.
As they always do. It's easy to build your "great" empire if all your wars and enemies are far away.
Ha! Imagine western nations listening to their citizens instead of their rulers.
There's always some percentage of people who are ignorant of global issues and want to stay out of things... You'd think they were Farage voters but actually they usually don't vote
Thanks - I actually had the setting turned on already but triggering it off and back on again caused it to start working properly, for whatever reason. Indeed that is a helpful indicator:-).
Gonna be honest, i haven't agreed with that in 20 years, on account that the US can and will fuck over any ally it has if that has the slightest marginal gain for them. Any time the wind blows a different way, the US will throw all their allies under the bus. They are a greedy nation and poor allies.
They've spied on the EU, they applied tariffs on the EU, they have threatened the EU with invasion after we helped them in their fruitless war in the middle east and had to deal with the migrant crises that resulted from it basically alone ? Now we have to deal with meddling in democratic elections? Never again, i say. We go at it alone, we trade, but that's it.
They are a greedy nation and poor allies.
They were great help when Yugoslavia broke down.
They were also great help, although with some hold backs to help Ukraine, it's absolutely nonsense to say otherwise.
The basis for the Europe-USA friendship is also that USA helped enormously way beyond any European country's ability in WW2. And the Americans actually secured freedom for western Europe, very contrary to the part that Soviet Union occupied.
USA was also great aid for Europe when the Soviet collapsed, making for instance Poland one of the countries where USA was most popular after that.Unfortunately cracks began to appear already with Bush Jr. and the false intelligence on Iraq. And obviously under Trump who threatened to not respect article 5. And obviously now where Trump behaves like a mafia boss.
But there is no doubt we'd prefer normal relations restored, where USA and allies cooperate on real issues around the world.
Unfortunately Trump makes normal relations impossible. -
Ask Turkey if they want to join in again for some Crimean War II? We killed a bunch of Russians before, why not again.
Every country has to wrestle with their own form of oligarchy. There is always a subgroup of power hungry individuals that want to be ruling the kingdom.
I don't know how the survey was done but if it's like a phone survey I would imagine that a lot of people would answer "I don't care" to whatever the question is. They just don't care about answering a phone survey.
your government are all nazis. and half of your population are fascists. we can’t trust you, and hopefully we will learn from it this time.
Contrary to countries in the East where they have all the freedoms, like, say, China? Russia?
What are you trying to say exactly?
I would hope they were given the option "I do not wish to participate in a phone survey" and that would be removed from the statistic.
How dare you lob facts at us as if they're insults...