Amazon is changing what is written in books
Most people have an astounding lack of imagination. Its like they thing that things can't get much worse because that would be too different to now....
It’s time to de-Google, de-amazon, de-Microsoft, de-apple, etc.
It has been time for that, long ago. Why did you have to wait for everything to go south?
I've searched everywhere and nowhere does anyone mention that kobo runs android. It runs an actual Linux based OS, not android. I know android uses the Linux kernel but that is not the same as an actual Linux OS. It doesn't matter anyway, their shit is wide open and you can do whatever the hell you want to you kobo
I’ve tried the Kobo store (sold my Kindle and got a Libra 2 Color), but the selection is a bit lacking.
Some books just don’t exist there, which means I can’t just click and buy the next one from the Kobo UI.
Ok, "Android" is a certificate and requires, among others, Google Play Services and Store. Kobo doesn't have that, so my that's the issue. But it's a AOSP-based vendor ROM, same as Kindle's, so my point with performance still stands and battery is bad too. At least compared to PocketBook's, which run plain Linux and last a month.
Now? As if they were so ethical all those decades before.
Is indeed a fine example. Keeps raising the same questions: is it ok to rewrite books? We're supposed to be outraged when maga does it, but it's ok if we do it?
An unlimited digital library that lets you download anything you want for a flat subscription fee.
A library? We solved that centuries ago.
You know what they say about the best time to plant trees. It applies to many things.
That's why I only read manuscripts. Don't trust machines. F*cuk Gutenberg
I truly hate this age of video where everything is either in incredibly long form with unnecessary cruft that can be pared down to a page or so of real information, or the video is so pointlessly short it's devoid of real value and context. Sadly people just don't want to read anymore
Yeah, see, I even have a mental condition which should supposedly make that my problem more than that of most people.
This reminds me of a joke....
A new monk arrives at the monastery and is assiged to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. When he looks closer, however, he notices that they are copying copies, not the original books.
The new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out to the head monk that should there be an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies.
"We have been copying from the copies for centuries," says the head monk, "however, I must admit you make a very good point, my son."
The head monk then goes down to the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours pass and no one sees him, so one of the monks decides to go downstairs to look for him. When he arrives he hears loud sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old head monk leaning over one of the original books crying.
"What's wrong," he asks the old monk.
"The word is CELEBRATE!" sobs the old monk. -
Why not too old? I bought 4 gen 4 & 5 kindles off ebay for like $20 on purpose. I hate backlights and they still work great.
The man who made that video is annoying. The story he read out was from the twits by Roald dahl, it was a few years back that those changes were made. Dahl was a great author but wasn’t a very pc person , his family have had to apologise for his anti semitism. So whoever is in charge of his works wanted to make them more modern and less insulting which misses the point of Dahl but anyway.
They’ve done it with Enid blyton books too. In one of hers they have a dog called the n word so probably more necessary with her work lol.All amazon have done is update the digital edition to the match the latest edition. There’s a million things to hate Amazon for you don’t have to make things up. And also if you want books that can’t be altered buy a paper book, you own them and they don’t run out of electricity.
Have you, as a foreigner, been caught up by the American political-polarization bug^tm^!? Here are a few warning signs that you may be affected.
- Do you find yourself often injecting "left-wing" or "right-wing" into titles?
- Do you have a perceived notion that anything negative being said must involve a certain political party?
- Do you feel the need to bring Trump up in a post that has nothing to do with him?
- Do you find yourself in the comments blaming "sides" without having read the article or watched the video?
- Have you found yourself demanding answers or change that's addressed in the post? (he literally brings up Dahl as his first example)
If you suspect that you or a loved one suffer from this syndrome, please turn off the devices and go outside.
That's still not OK
Heh. Even funnier to me, as I'm currently reading Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose, which is set in an abbey that has monks who copy manuscripts.
Been using 10th gen kindle, 5.17.1 firmware, as my daily driver. It's not jailbroken, use calibre server to download my alternately sourced ebooks, convert to .mobi as needed.
I looked at Winterbreak. Decided not to fool with it as I can still sail with stock.
Any advantage to a jailbreak other than future proofing against side loading being disabled?