What would the world look like if billionaires actually helped the people?
What is the point of feeding a tamagotchi?
I don't think I've ever seen a billionaire IRL.
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy.
I can't even imagine what color the sky would be in that world...
The Owenites and other Utopian Socialists of old would rise from their graves, vindicated at long last for, against all odds, finally succeeding.
There are near 800 billionaires in the USA. Assuming all only have $1 billion dollars and it is all invested, applying the "4% rule" gives a sustainable $40 million each per year. With $10 million to personally spend, that gives $24 billion a year for charity and public works.
I failed to find a list of the costs to solve various issues. Homelessness could be solved in a couple years.
The numbers provided are just a starting place. Many problems are extremely expensive. Actually working to solve them would help.
The do this on purpose. Chelsea Fagan from The Financial Diet had a great video about this
But if you go by net worth Elon alone has like 350-400 billion. Zuckerberg, Buffet, Gates all have many billions. I see where you're coming from but they could really help society, like curing hunger levels of help and the worst part is... They'd still be filthy rich. So as far as quality of life, it wouldn't even cost them anything.
We don't have the supply to fill the demands to simply throw all billionaires money into solving every crisis. That is why wealth inequality is so vast. Dollars are a made up system. In its raw form it's just paper. Backed by the govt. Where as it used to be backed by the gold standard which is why we hoard so much gold. That is a real tangible asset. Paper is just paper.
Maybe it's walking the human?
Its not a dragon hoard, its the perceived value of their companies.
We don’t have the supply to fill the demands
What makes you say that? Making food and housing and medical care for everyone isn't impossible
It's a fair point but that's such a smug way to say it
How am I supposed to enjoy that?
Gates and his ex were helping. They have pledged to spend half their wealth on various humanitary things. They were trying to convince other billionaires to follow suit also. Looks like musk and bezos didn't get the memo
Me neither. I have only personally known Millionaires. Both multimillionaires that I know fly totally under the radar by being completely humble, non flashy people.
That is a big factor, but they also have regular assets and personal imvestments