What would the world look like if billionaires actually helped the people?
they don't mingle with the dirty poors
Paradoxical question, if they truly helped they would never be billionaires.
We certainly have the housing and buildings, I am doubtful we have the medical supplies look at 2020 during covid where the medical workers did not have PPE and how the supply chain was/is still stressed. We also lack the natural resources where we can just throw money aka paper at problems and their gone forever.
The govt. Balances our money system based on supply and demand well they try like all govts. The earths resources are finite and we have consumed them at such an accelerated rate that even now we have supply chain issues on certain rare earth metals and all other natural resources.
The war in Ukraine aside from Nato and russia being so close is actually over trillions of dollars worth of rare earth metals and natural resouces. Which Russia needs to revitalize their economy. Also why Trump wants to settle a deal beneficial to the US, trump doesn't care about the war he wants access to the mineral deposits.I also think that we likely have the food supply currently, in the future not so much due to climate change. We all see the impacts daily which will continue to worsen, and eventually water will be scarce causing migration of people as the globe shifts it's weather events to different locations. We won't lack water it'll just be too uneconomical to transport it to where it's needed due to weight and our archaic fuel sources.
The food isn't the hard part right now. It's transportation of goods to locales like deep into Africa as an example so we would have to consolidate people to reach everyone most effeciently. Then we can solve the issues you speak of.
War. Literally war. And not about the money, but about who has the most power.
If we're counting property values, millionaires are a dime a dozen in some areas.
No I was counting as non property wealth, but as multimillionaire of world wide company. To meet the guy on the steet in a 90s Honda, you would never guess his wealth.
More like China?
Great story :')
Thank you!
We'd have the flying cars we were fucking promised by the movies we grew up with.
Paradox in terms
If only they could be more like Chuck Feeney.
In February 2011, Feeney became a signatory to The Giving Pledge. In his letter to Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the founders of The Giving Pledge, Feeney wrote, "I cannot think of a more personally rewarding and appropriate use of wealth than to give while one is living—to personally devote oneself to meaningful efforts to improve the human condition. More importantly, today's needs are so great and varied that intelligent philanthropic support and positive interventions can have greater value and impact today than if they are delayed when the needs are greater." He gave away a final $7 million in late 2016, to the same recipient of his first charitable donations, Cornell University. Over the course of his life, he gave away more than $8 billion.
Yes, it would look a lot more like the 50s when tax was highest on the wealthy
"Hahaha what a nerd. "
-- Gates & Buffet, from Epstein Island, probably
Look at 2020 during covid where the medical workers did not have PPE and how the supply chain was/is still stressed
I think these are more logistical and planning problems than fundamental lack of supply. The mask shortage was resolved by increasing production afaik. There is a large discrepancy between countries in the ratio between quality of health outcomes and expense of healthcare per person; even if it turns out to be a supply problem to get the most advanced available medicine to everyone, it is certainly possible to get the most impactful medical services to everyone.
We also lack the natural resources where we can just throw money aka paper at problems and their gone forever.
This is probably true though, spending by itself might not be enough.
Well it was a GREAT point.
No billionaires
It's not enough to put him on my favorable list. Have you used Microsoft lately?